Building a Collaborative Climate
Former U-M Head Basketball Coach John Beilein discusses how all members of a team are important for successful collaboration. He then explains how to create collaborative environments within your teams. This video is part of our Leading Teams MOOC.
Excerpt From

0:08 you don't just amass 0:10 talent if you amass just talent you will 0:12 not win 0:13 you have to build a team and we're 0:16 looking for those little 0:18 the the spot whether it's the manager or 0:20 the the first guy off the bench or the 0:22 ninth guy 0:23 in the game to walk on he is just as 0:27 important in our mind 0:28 every day and so we're always trying to 0:32 engage with guys you may not think are 0:35 primary 0:36 uh you know people in your organization 0:39 because they 0:39 they aren't as visible and they don't 0:41 score up as they don't show up as much 0:43 as far as what the people see 0:45 they're making things go so we're always 0:47 thinking the team the team 0:49 what's best for the team and as jeff 0:51 meyer my one assistant says all the time 0:53 and 0:54 maybe some people around the world 0:55 haven't heard of this that the higher 0:57 the tide 0:58 all the boats come up and so we're 1:00 always trying to raise that tide up 1:03 so that everybody feels good about our 1:05 team and it it really has worked very 1:07 well for us to not 1:09 not like say okay these are the these 1:12 are the premier guys we got to bow down 1:13 to them and these 1:14 these guys over here are just the 1:18 the walk-ons are just the bench players 1:20 no everybody's got equal importance