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Career Kickoff

Speaker Series: Do I Need Another Degree, or Am I Ready to Work?

Guest speaker Maurice Washington, Director of the University of Michigan Athletic Career Center, talks about the choice between entering the workforce versus pursuing higher education and considerations to take into account when making this decision.


0:05 hi everyone and welcome back to the 0:06 career kickoff collection 0:08 my name is ryan hilai and with me today 0:09 is dear julie 0:11 we're both partnership development 0:12 fellows with the university of michigan 0:13 center for academic innovation 0:15 and today our guest speaker is maurice 0:17 washington director of the university of 0:19 michigan's athletic career center 0:21 in this video we're going to be talking 0:23 about whether you're ready to enter the 0:24 workforce or if you should pursue a 0:26 higher education 0:27 and the considerations attach these 0:29 choices 0:30 maurice would you be willing to talk 0:32 about how students should navigate the 0:34 choice to either enter the workforce or 0:35 pursue higher education 0:37 what guiding questions you typically ask 0:39 them 0:40 well again thank you for allowing me to 0:42 be here and that's a great question um 0:44 in this in this season where students 0:46 are making a critical decision 0:48 upon postgraduate uh post uh their 0:50 undergraduate to make a decision if 0:52 they're gonna go into the workforce or 0:53 go get a graduate degree 0:55 so i would i would pose a question like 0:57 this do you have the experience do you 0:59 did you gain experience while you were 1:01 an undergraduate in order to move on 1:03 into 1:03 the workforce if you if your 1:06 undergraduate degree 1:07 really aligns to what your career 1:08 interests are we do understand that 1:10 a majority of students their 1:12 undergraduate degree really 1:14 has no bearing on what they're going to 1:15 do upon graduation so 1:17 does that graduate is that graduate or 1:19 were you going to really help 1:20 another thing you need to consider is 1:22 the location of the graduate school 1:24 right location of the guys group matters 1:26 because of cost 1:27 that's the second component how much is 1:29 because most often times you're going to 1:31 have to pay for that 1:32 you also want to attain a school that's 1:34 accredited right 1:35 you want to get a graduate degree that's 1:37 really going to help you progress 1:38 and project yourself your trajectory you 1:42 want to 1:42 trajectory to be to be you know a gain 1:46 in going into a graduate program and you 1:48 also want a graduate program that is 1:50 going to align 1:51 to your career goals you know that's 1:53 very very important 1:54 what we find is is that 38 of 1:57 of individuals or students in graduate 2:00 programs and two-year programs 2:02 are non-traditional students so let's 2:04 talk about traditional and 2:05 non-traditional students 2:06 we're talking about traditional students 2:08 you're thinking about from high school 2:10 to undergraduate to 2:11 to a graduate program non-traditional 2:13 students 2:14 are those who have families those who 2:16 work so we're looking at 38 percent of 2:18 the 2:18 of individual or students that graduate 2:21 from the undergraduate programs 2:22 they go into the workforce and they 2:24 understand that they need that graduate 2:26 degree based off the work they were 2:27 doing 2:28 so why is it important one it could be 2:30 because of additional income 2:31 hiring trends so you have a higher 2:34 professional degree it allows you to be 2:37 in a position of more more impact and 2:40 also more responsibility so i really 2:42 when i'm talking to the students i 2:44 really ask them about their experience 2:46 about their career goals and interests 2:47 and if that graduate would be really 2:49 going to help them at that point you 2:51 know they may 2:52 go into the workforce and decide later 2:54 that that's that's more important 2:56 thank you maurice and what areas or 2:59 factors do you think students should 3:00 consider 3:01 when making this decision one of the key 3:04 factors to making the decision of 3:05 do you want to go or should a student 3:07 consider a graduate program is cost 3:10 cost is very very important right 3:12 because again students will then be 3:13 paying for that graduate program 3:15 accreditation is is another key factor 3:18 is the school that you're going to for 3:20 graduate school is it accredited in the 3:21 area that you want 3:23 three is is that graduate program really 3:25 going to traject you into your career 3:27 is it going to be helpful or is it all 3:29 the experience that you're gaining 3:31 in the workforce is that going to be 3:33 enough and the last thing is location 3:35 location location many of the students 3:38 that go to undergraduate programs out of 3:39 state 3:40 there's a cost to go into a graduate 3:42 program out of state so do you want to 3:44 go back to the state where you're from 3:46 or or go to another state that'll allow 3:49 you the opportunity and you think about 3:51 a graduate program 3:52 what i'm finding is most students that 3:54 graduate from graduate programs they're 3:56 working in a vicinity or within the 3:57 state of that graduate school 3:59 so you probably would want to consider 4:01 going to a graduate school 4:03 in an area that that the industry that 4:06 you're interested in 4:07 that that it's profound right that you 4:09 could find a job 4:10 thank you so much maurice that was very 4:12 insightful well we hope this video was 4:15 useful for unit career development and 4:17 we hope to see you in our final segment 4:18 on interviewing shortly 4:26 thanks 4:31 you