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Future of Work

360 Degree Feedback

Professor Maxim Stych details the 360-degree method of giving feedback to team members. This video is part of our Managing Talent MOOC.

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0:08 i'm sure a lot of you have heard of 0:10 360 degree feedback it's a feedback 0:13 system that's 0:14 wildly popular in organizations if you 0:17 haven't done so 0:18 yet i predict that sooner rather than 0:19 later you will even 0:21 receive 360 degree feedback yourself i 0:24 will be asked to fill out a form for 0:25 somebody else's 360. 0:28 and given its popularity i'd like for us 0:30 to talk about the nature of 360 degree 0:32 feedback and its uses 0:34 first of all what is 360 degree feedback 0:38 it's systematic feedback on your 0:39 performance behaviors 0:42 skills and our competencies collected 0:44 from you a number of different types of 0:46 stakeholders who interact with you 0:47 at workplace now 360 here refers to 0:51 the full spectrum of evaluation the full 0:54 circle meaning that you get feedback 0:55 from 0:56 all the stakeholders with whom you 0:57 interact at workplace 1:00 the first recorded use of 360 degree 1:02 feedback comes from the second world war 1:04 from the german military where german 1:06 officers were among the first ones to 1:08 recognize the value of seeking feedback 1:10 from multiple sources 1:12 it started to be used at scale in 1:15 organizations in the 80s 1:17 and it continues to be very popular 1:20 i think the unwavering popularity of 1:22 360s always in part to changing 1:24 organizational design where with 1:26 proliferation of matrix like structures 1:28 team boundaries becoming more fluid we 1:31 interact more and more with people from 1:33 different verticals different 1:34 geographies different business units 1:36 and companies value feedback coming from 1:38 multiple sources 1:40 so the standard structure over 360 is 1:43 that you're evaluated by your managers 1:46 your peers your subordinates you're 1:48 given a chance to evaluate yourself 1:51 and depending on your role with the 1:52 company other types of stakeholders can 1:54 get involved 1:56 for example if you happen to be in a 1:57 customer or supplier facing role 2:00 feedback can also be solicited from 2:01 customers and suppliers 2:03 so what do you think is the value of 360 2:06 degree feedback in other words 2:08 how could you benefit from 360 in a way 2:12 that you wouldn't from a more 2:12 traditional form of feedback which 2:14 predominantly relies 2:16 on your primary manager's input 2:19 think about it for some time now the key 2:22 purposes 2:23 and the motivations behind 360's 2:26 is that it offers new diverse 2:28 perspectives on one's skills 2:30 behaviors and performance for example as 2:33 your primary manager 2:34 i might not always see you in a 2:36 developmental role 2:38 with your peers and your subordinates 2:40 and as a result 2:41 i may not be in the best position to 2:43 give you feedback on how good you are at 2:45 developing others 2:48 360s provide a greater number of 2:49 feedback data points 2:51 which can increase the accuracy of 2:52 feedback 2:54 360s offer feedback that might not be 2:57 typically shared 2:58 and here i want to emphasize that 3:00 protecting confidentiality of 3:02 respondents of raiders 3:04 is a critical premise for successful 3:06 360s 3:07 and finally and to me this is the most 3:10 important 3:11 feature of 360s the critical value they 3:13 provide 3:14 is that they can help eliminate hidden 3:16 strengths and developmental 3:18 opportunities 3:19 give you insight into strengths and 3:21 developmental opportunities 3:22 you are not aware of the way 360 3:25 feedback works 3:26 is pretty straightforward you start by 3:30 developing questionnaire that asks 3:31 raiders to measure specific performance 3:34 competencies behaviors skills of a given 3:37 employee 3:38 then you ask the employee to provide 3:40 self-ratings and collect confidential 3:41 ratings by other stakeholders again i 3:43 want to emphasize that confidentiality 3:45 of respondents is key to successful 360s 3:49 then you compile results usually present 3:51 them in some 3:52 visual form with graphs and charts to 3:55 brief those results with the employee 3:57 and follow up on the developmental plan 3:59 when you receive your 360 degree 4:01 feedback report 4:03 it may look something like this where in 4:05 the left hand side you can see the 4:07 different 4:08 dimensions on which you're evaluated in 4:09 this particular case 4:11 they're centered around competencies and 4:13 you can see 4:14 your self-evaluations as well as the 4:17 scores supplied by your direct reports 4:19 your peers and your manager to analyze 4:22 your 360 degree feedback data it may be 4:25 useful to categorize those results in 4:28 terms of expected 4:29 and unexpected results developmental 4:31 areas 4:32 and strengths by this categorization 4:35 some of these results will be expected 4:38 meaning the feedback from your manager 4:40 from your peers 4:41 from your direct reports will confirm 4:43 your own expectations about your 4:45 strengths 4:46 and developmental areas it's validation 4:49 the second set of results would be 4:51 unexpected which is 4:53 your blind spots and your hidden 4:55 strengths your developmental areas 4:57 and your strengths that you were not 4:59 aware of prior to taking 5:01 360. to me this is the critical value of 5:04 360s 5:06 the percentages that i'm showing you 5:07 refer to the 5:09 actual distribution of feedback in a 5:11 typical 360. they come from the 5:13 study by david antonini and i'm really 5:16 excited to share these numbers with you 5:17 because they tell us that 5:19 about half 45 percent of 360 degree 5:21 feedback 5:23 is unexpected and hence particularly 5:24 valuable so let's come back 5:27 to this 360 degree feedback report 5:31 in light of our discussion so far take a 5:33 step at analyzing these data 5:36 what do these results tell you pause the 5:38 video 5:40 and think about it for some time 5:43 so let's start with the expected results 5:45 first 5:46 communication emerges as a confirmed 5:50 strength although it might make sense to 5:52 look at to what's going on with the 5:53 relatively low 5:54 lateral scores and peer-to-peer 5:56 communication 5:58 in terms of confirmed developmental 6:00 opportunities 6:01 customer centricity and analytics are 6:03 prime candidates 6:04 where you can see that the scores are 6:06 consistently low including your 6:07 self-evaluations 6:09 turning to unexpected results i think 6:11 this 360 degree feedback report 6:14 can be a useful reality check for this 6:16 employee where you can see that her 6:17 scores 6:18 on many dimensions substantially higher 6:20 than the scores provided by peers direct 6:22 reports and her manager 6:24 more concretely influencing without 6:27 authority 6:28 emerges as a key blind spot this 6:30 employee is convinced that she is being 6:32 very effective at influencing others but 6:35 peers direct reports and her manager 6:36 consistently disagree 6:38 developing others is another potential 6:41 blind spot 6:42 and if you think that it's especially 6:46 important to develop your peers 6:47 and subordinates the fact that you're 6:49 getting low lateral and upward scores 6:51 is particularly alarming and in fact it 6:53 could be a blind spot not just for you 6:55 but looking at the results also for your 6:57 manager innovativeness on the other hand 7:00 emerges as a hidden strength where 7:03 your peers to direct reports your 7:05 manager give you 7:06 pretty high scores and your self 7:08 perception here is a bit more muted