Sustaining Individual Engagement
Innovation theory suggests that we buy into new ideas at different rates; early adopters must stay engaged for some time before society as a whole adopts the desired change. It can be hard to keep advocating for change when it feels like the rest of the world is moving so slowly! Therefore, it is also important to take care of yourself, so you can sustain your efforts.
Excerpt From

0:09 hi 0:09 i'm sachi and i'm a graduate student at 0:11 the university of michigan 0:13 i'm here today with dr raymond deyoung 0:15 one of our faculty members at the 0:16 university and a leading researcher in 0:18 environmental psychology 0:20 we've asked dr deyoung to join us today 0:22 to give us some perspectives 0:24 on how we can continue to engage in 0:25 climate work over the long term 0:27 thanks for joining us today thank you as 0:30 you know 0:31 the students in our course have been 0:33 developing 0:34 actions that they can take to address 0:36 climate change as well as 0:38 working on their own personal climate 0:40 action plans for the next few months 0:42 now that the course is ending though 0:44 we're wondering based on your work on 0:46 durable behavior change how can our 0:48 learners make sure that they stay 0:50 active in this field i think that's a 0:52 big question that the field has been 0:54 struggling with for many decades so 0:56 i'm probably reflecting on many other 0:58 people's work not just my own 1:00 adorable behavior change has been a real 1:03 challenge for us 1:05 if the strategies were using back in the 1:07 60s and 70s worked as well as we 1:10 hoped they did and as we needed them we 1:12 wouldn't be here talking today 1:13 so it's caused us to look outside the 1:15 box a bit um 1:17 one of the strategies that we've 1:20 realized has been missing for a long 1:22 time is something called envisioning 1:24 um for to a large degree for a long time 1:27 now 1:28 we've encouraged students to learn how 1:30 to define problems um 1:32 work on solutions test them adopt them 1:35 into their own lifestyle get feedback 1:37 and then 1:37 improve all along the way but we haven't 1:40 really 1:41 gotten them to think about the world 1:43 that they'd like to live and they'd like 1:44 to inhabit 1:45 and it turns out that the envisioning 1:46 process is more complicated than we 1:48 imagined 1:50 a number of years ago danella meadows 1:52 who was one of the original authors of 1:54 the limits to growth 1:55 book back in 1972 1:58 presented a paper on envisioning 2:00 sustainability 2:02 and what she found was that academics 2:03 among all the different groups she 2:05 studied 2:06 had the worst time envisioning they 2:07 usually were problem oriented people 2:09 and they actually resisted the process 2:11 of envisioning what the world would look 2:12 like and 2:13 an example she gave it was a world 2:15 without hunger 2:16 but she imagined a world that had solved 2:18 climate change issues resource issues 2:21 toxic issues and she found that left 2:23 alone 2:24 academics and their students did a 2:26 horrible job at it 2:27 and so recently there's been a movement 2:29 afoot in psychology to develop what we 2:31 call a prospection psychology 2:33 how to get people to imagine futures 2:36 empathize with other people's views of 2:38 the future 2:40 kind of play with world views future 2:44 situations that they'd like to have 2:45 occur and then to 2:47 kind of move them from that future state 2:49 back to a series of 2:50 nearer term goals and then to work 2:53 toward picking behaviors as 2:55 tools or instruments to get to those 2:56 goals now this is exactly the opposite 2:58 of what a lot of models do they usually 3:00 end the model of behavior change they 3:02 imagine that the real purpose of the 3:04 whole 3:05 initiative is to get people to change 3:06 their behavior and i think it's still 3:08 true 3:09 but the behavior is only a way of 3:11 getting into a desirable future so 3:14 one thing i think students have to be 3:16 taught or have to practice is 3:18 this envisioning process and to be 3:19 honest we haven't done a lot of teaching 3:21 on it there's not a lot of 3:22 good guidelines or course work on it and 3:26 we're just beginning to develop some of 3:27 the 3:28 training techniques for it one of the 3:31 places in which we've 3:32 developed those is in the field of 3:34 clinical psychology where we do what's 3:35 called empathy training 3:37 getting people to empathize with others 3:39 or other states of mind or 3:41 another person so when people come to 3:42 reinvent themselves how do you 3:44 empathize with that new version of 3:46 yourself 3:48 the second thing we've learned to to do 3:50 is to 3:51 focus on satisfactions intrinsic 3:53 satisfactions 3:55 it turns out that we're much better 3:56 about motivating or changing behavior in 3:59 the short term 4:00 so education information processes 4:02 social norms 4:05 varies kinds of tangible monetary and 4:07 other kinds of incentives 4:08 do a great job of changing behavior but 4:10 the effect tends to fade 4:12 very quickly and we we know this 4:15 from a lot of research we also know it 4:18 from a century in psychology that 4:20 tended to focus only on short-term 4:22 behavior change 4:24 so we've kind of not developed a toolbox 4:27 of 4:28 long durable enduring easy to restart 4:32 behavior change techniques and so one of 4:34 the 4:35 strategies the one that i'm most closely 4:37 involved with is intrinsic 4:39 satisfaction a form of intrinsic 4:40 motivation it suggests that people can 4:44 adopt a behavior in order for them to 4:46 receive the kind of 4:48 internal sense of well-being that they 4:50 so 4:51 often desire and that well-being is not 4:53 being manipulated by someone else so 4:56 it's available to them 4:57 in the future and they can continue that 5:00 behavior 5:01 and continue to gain that intrinsic 5:03 satisfaction 5:05 we've been working on this and it turns 5:06 out that there's a number of different 5:08 kinds of intrinsic satisfactions that 5:10 are really relevant 5:11 for climate change issues other kinds of 5:13 behavior change 5:14 that involve environmental stewardship 5:16 one of them is a kind of satisfaction 5:19 from being 5:20 frugal or resourceful or clever 5:23 and people tend to just love that kind 5:25 of exploring 5:26 kind of discovery process they also tend 5:29 to get a lot of 5:30 internal satisfaction from doing things 5:33 that 5:34 matter that make a difference that 5:37 solve problems that have been sticky 5:39 that society is out of trouble 5:41 trouble with and in those situations 5:43 they're really getting a satisfaction 5:44 from 5:45 engagement or participation and the 5:48 third major category is something called 5:49 competence it turns out that people love 5:51 to discover new ways of doing things 5:53 they're always kind of geeked out about 5:56 discovering you know new techniques or 5:57 being clever at solving problems or 6:00 sharing solutions with people and they 6:02 get a real internal 6:04 kick from that kind of behavior so this 6:06 whole internal landscape is something 6:08 that 6:08 psychology ignored for a long time and 6:10 we've learned over the last 6:12 three or four decades as a major source 6:14 of enduring behavior change 6:16 and then the last thing we've been doing 6:17 is realizing too much of the focus has 6:20 been on one behavior 6:22 using energy efficient lights or 6:24 adopting 6:26 different transportation methods that 6:28 are less likely to emit emissions or 6:31 or have other kinds of pollutants and 6:33 while 6:34 each of these is important they're 6:36 together not sufficient 6:37 they're rarely enough to make a dramatic 6:41 difference 6:42 in the environment and so we've learned 6:44 to do is begin to package these things a 6:47 pattern of behaviors over a person's 6:49 life or 6:50 maybe not a life but a a week at least 6:54 if you can imagine that one of the 6:56 problems people have had is they get 6:58 tired of doing the same behavior over 7:00 and over again or 7:02 sometimes they do what's called a 7:04 rebound there's a process called 7:07 the rebound effect or jeven's paradox 7:09 where people are very efficient in the 7:10 short term 7:12 maybe they're highly efficient in 7:13 picking electrical lighting systems 7:16 but they feel like they're off the hook 7:18 for other behaviors 7:20 or they end up doing very efficient 7:22 lighting but they put in 7:23 far more lights than they ever had 7:25 before and in the end consume more 7:27 energy 7:28 well it's unlikely to get that kind of 7:29 rebound if the behaviors are 7:32 picked either to get you toward that 7:34 vision that i mentioned earlier 7:36 or if they're part of a package of 7:38 behaviors where 7:40 you wouldn't you wouldn't imagine 7:43 misbehaving in another domain just 7:45 because you behaved at home or at the 7:47 office 7:48 and so we we realized that packaging 7:50 these things as a 7:51 as a pattern of activities uh 7:55 ends up creating a more durable effect 7:57 and the other kind of last thing i'll 7:58 say is the other kind of packaging we do 8:00 is 8:00 is getting people together it rarely 8:03 works to have people 8:05 um pursue these things alone they end up 8:09 getting distracted there's lots of other 8:11 things going on in their lives 8:13 and they they often need help with other 8:16 people 8:16 so we've tried what are called 8:18 community-based strategies 8:20 approaches that form teams or 8:22 neighborhood groups 8:24 that both support one another and act as 8:27 sort of a 8:28 a norm developing um group where they 8:32 they begin to nudge each other a little 8:34 bit day to day and they'll 8:36 kind of call you out if you begin to 8:38 slip a little bit or laps 8:39 so the idea of having a rebound effect 8:41 or giving up on a behavior is less 8:44 likely on these community programs 8:46 can you i'm just trying to think of how 8:47 we might apply some of these 8:49 very broad concepts to the level of 8:52 coming up with concrete 8:54 actions that we're trying to take 8:55 ourselves when you think about 8:57 packaging actions creating patterns 9:00 creating habits 9:02 can do you have any examples of of 9:04 people who have done that with 9:05 climate-related 9:06 um actions sure a number of years ago we 9:09 used to do 9:09 a lot more work on pledges where we got 9:12 adults or children to 9:14 kind of look over the um i get adults or 9:17 children to look over 9:19 their behaviors over uh 9:22 period of time and then commit to 9:25 reducing 9:26 activity in different domains so be 9:28 maybe transportation energy use 9:30 food choices recreation and get them to 9:33 sign a pledge that said they were going 9:34 to reduce so many 9:36 either pounds of co2 or so many joules 9:38 of energy or something 9:40 but in the end what they were doing is 9:41 writing this little guide to themselves 9:43 that there are many different domains 9:45 that 9:45 they should be acting on and if they 9:48 aren't as successful in one of them they 9:50 can double down on another one of them 9:52 and so there's this sort of 9:53 packaging of their life life pattern 9:56 in in the group-based stuff there's a 9:59 lot of interesting work being done 10:01 in europe right now particularly western 10:03 europe where they have what are called 10:04 eco teams 10:05 these are neighborhood groups drawn from 10:08 across the community they usually engage 10:11 for 10:12 up to six to eight weeks working each 10:14 week through a workbook on different 10:16 topics like food or water 10:18 or energy and they're easily made up of 10:20 of 10:21 just normal citizens but under the 10:23 support of experts 10:25 the experts have to do something that's 10:27 very unique to experts they explain the 10:29 problem to people 10:30 and they provide some of the background 10:32 material but then they shut up 10:34 and it's very rare to get experts to 10:36 shut up um and so the people try small 10:38 experiments they go back to their 10:40 family or their or their workplace try 10:42 something and then the next week report 10:43 what worked or didn't 10:45 and sometimes they'll discover a 10:46 successful approach sometimes they have 10:48 something they want to share 10:49 often they find what fails and other 10:51 people know not to try that 10:52 but in this case you're forming a kind 10:54 of group or community-based approach 10:56 there's an academic version of this 10:58 called community-based social marketing 11:01 but it hasn't it's been used a lot in 11:03 communities but it's still 11:05 more of an academic approach while the 11:07 eco teams 11:08 has really gotten out into the 11:09 neighborhoods has worked successfully 11:11 there are other groups that do this 11:14 various eco villages transition towns 11:17 some eco some co-housing and eco 11:20 ecological housing programs 11:22 kind of work this into their standard of 11:24 living or 11:25 standard of behavior but um 11:29 so far those have been more they haven't 11:31 been done in a research framework so we 11:33 don't know if they work as well 11:34 we know that the eco teams in europe 11:36 have been actually studied enough to 11:38 we have a pretty good sense that they're 11:39 working well are there any takeaways 11:43 this might be stretching too far from 11:45 the way you presented these echo teams 11:46 is that you might have 11:48 only a six to eight week engagement and 11:50 that's kind of similar to what we're 11:52 thinking with this course where we've 11:54 been working with learners for about 11:56 seven weeks to take these actions 11:59 and now the course is ending are there 12:01 any lessons that we can draw from 12:03 maybe the eco team concept or other 12:06 experiments 12:07 of how we can continue to engage with 12:09 these issues 12:10 after sort of a finite end point sure i 12:13 mean it's a real that's really the going 12:14 back to the first question you had which 12:15 was about enduring or durable behavior 12:17 change because it's 12:18 you know while everything's in place 12:20 it's easy to do the behavior it's harder 12:21 to continue it on your own 12:23 so there's a couple of things we know 12:24 from the social grouping 12:26 these these eco team and and 12:28 neighborhood groups is that 12:30 they they often form relationships that 12:32 last beyond the research part of it or 12:34 the 12:34 activist part of it so long after the 12:38 researcher or the activist or the 12:39 practitioner has gone away 12:41 these groups continue to stay in touch 12:43 and in fact the the better groups now 12:44 are forming those kinds of networks as 12:46 part of these eco-team efforts 12:49 we know that social norms are very 12:50 powerful most people think that 12:52 individually they're not as affected by 12:54 social norms as everyone else is 12:57 but it turns out everybody is very 12:58 hyper-sensitive to it so the more we can 13:00 develop these networks of people 13:02 that stay in touch the more the behavior 13:04 will endure there have been a number of 13:07 long-term studies on on these kinds of 13:09 issues the long term would be 13:11 where the project lasts for six to eight 13:13 weeks and then you come back 13:15 and survey them or study them or observe 13:17 them a year later a year and a half 13:18 later one of them was done in 13:21 germany many years ago where they were 13:23 getting people to reduce their 13:24 consumption 13:25 something called source reduction they 13:27 weren't recycling as much as they were 13:29 just trying to reduce the total 13:30 throughput of materials 13:32 and they got people engaged in what we 13:34 would now call an eco-team approach 13:35 although it was called 13:36 just a research project back then and 13:39 then unbeknownst to the people they were 13:40 being monitored because the waste was 13:42 carefully controlled in this community 13:44 they were being monitored as long as 18 13:47 months later 13:48 and they not only what was fascinating 13:50 because not only maintain the same level 13:51 of participation they had 13:53 during the project they actually 13:54 increased it so their their behavior 13:56 continued to expand 13:58 which is which had been up until that 14:00 time unheard of 14:01 so we've got some long-term studies 14:03 there's a continuing interest in these 14:04 eco teams in europe 14:06 and they've continued to both 14:09 follow some of the original teams but 14:11 but more of the effort has been pushed 14:13 pushing it out into new communities but 14:16 one of the ways in which we think we can 14:18 increase this uh commitment to the 14:21 behavior 14:21 is to take the early members of these 14:24 efforts 14:24 and make them the mentors for the the 14:26 newer programs 14:28 and so you end up having this sort of a 14:30 i wouldn't quite call it an expert since 14:32 the citizens don't want to be called 14:34 experts but 14:35 the the early adopters or the people 14:37 who've tried it and so they can give a 14:39 little bit of a 14:40 head start for the newer group and also 14:43 there's then greater commitment to that 14:44 mentor that they feel as though 14:46 their involvement is is worthwhile is 14:49 genuine so we go back to that intrinsic 14:51 satisfaction 14:52 they now are doing something that 14:53 matters in the long run that will make a 14:55 difference 14:56 and so the more we can do this multi 14:58 stage and 14:59 it's not quite right to call it 15:00 multi-generation since it doesn't last 15:01 long but 15:02 different stages and bring mentoring 15:04 along the better we'll be 15:05 and that idea has been very popular in 15:07 sociology 15:09 uh social psychology but it hasn't yet 15:12 been 15:13 adopted to a large degree in in the 15:15 practitioner kind of stuff we do in 15:17 environmental stewardship 15:18 but as i say it's starting to be used in 15:20 europe and in a few places here in 15:22 the states okay so that actually 15:25 brings me to my next question for you 15:26 because as i think about 15:29 maybe an individual who went through 15:31 this process once and gained all of this 15:33 knowledge about how to act 15:35 and is now thinking about paying it 15:36 forward and continuing 15:38 their new behaviors while bringing 15:40 someone else along with them teaching 15:41 someone else 15:42 you know what the process looks like um 15:46 one of the things we're actually worried 15:48 about is that 15:49 when you engage too deeply in something 15:53 like this you can 15:54 get burned out and i think i've actually 15:56 i think you said something in class like 15:57 burned out people 15:58 can't save the world or something to 16:01 that effect 16:02 could you just talk about that a little 16:03 bit and maybe give us 16:05 some ideas for how you avoid the pitfall 16:07 of getting 16:08 over committed and burned out with a big 16:10 issue like this i think i think it's a 16:12 major problem it's not just 16:13 environmental issues it's any kind of 16:14 major social issue 16:16 and we know that people do burn out we 16:18 have lots of people who 16:20 have to take retreats have to take time 16:22 off and all and so one of the efforts in 16:24 environmental stewardship 16:25 behavior change programs is to prevent 16:27 that kind of burnout and 16:29 it involved us uh involved researching 16:31 it involved us going back into the 16:33 literature on intentional resources so 16:36 to explain it i have to explain one kind 16:37 of attention which we're all using right 16:39 now to to follow this conversation 16:41 it's called directed attention and the 16:43 capacity to direct attention is a 16:46 is a unique attribute of human 16:49 information processing 16:50 it also happens to be something that 16:51 fatigues so at the end of this 16:53 conversation you and i will have less of 16:55 it the end of people watching this 16:56 they'll 16:57 have less of it end of a hard day the 16:58 end of a hard week it'll be even less of 17:00 it 17:01 and when you have mental fatigue this 17:03 sort of lack of mental vitality 17:05 there's a lot of things that happen that 17:06 are bad you get irritable 17:08 you snap at people you look on the dark 17:10 side of things 17:12 you're more likely to take offense you 17:14 can't follow through on anything you 17:16 lose track of things you lose 17:18 track of of your strategy of your plan 17:20 of your 17:21 of your schedule you're also unwilling 17:23 to start new behaviors which of course 17:24 is a big thing in conservation behavior 17:26 change 17:27 so we we realized that this fatigue was 17:29 a major problem um 17:32 we know from some studies in the in the 17:34 field of cognitive psychology that 17:36 when we look at different populations 17:39 those people who spent more time in 17:40 nature 17:42 actively engaged in observing or walking 17:46 through 17:46 or working in nature tend to have more 17:50 mental rest more mental vitality than 17:53 those who 17:55 recreate in other ways or rest in 17:57 different ways 17:58 and from an evolutionary psychology 18:00 point of view we realized that people 18:02 when we were evolving the different 18:03 information processing systems 18:06 people probably had to use directed 18:07 attention a lot less 18:09 other kinds of attention sufficed 18:12 and at the same time if they needed to 18:14 restore nature was 18:15 literally an arm's length away so it's 18:17 very easy to get restoration 18:19 and jump to today we have exactly the 18:21 opposite where a large amount of what we 18:23 do 18:24 uses this kind of attention to work in 18:27 crowded areas on complex abstract ideas 18:30 climate change has got to be one of the 18:31 big abstract concepts 18:33 over long periods of time depletes 18:35 directed attention 18:36 and yet restoration is not easy it's not 18:39 just an armed length away we have to 18:41 plant it into our schedule we have to 18:43 seek out these environments 18:45 and so we realized early on that 18:48 mental vitality rested directed 18:51 attention 18:52 was likely a precondition to trying new 18:55 behaviors to sticking with a project 18:58 basically to not get burned out and so a 19:00 lot of the projects i have my students 19:02 work on i encourage them to include some 19:04 kind of restorative activity and 19:06 it can be some kind of mindfulness based 19:08 stress reduction 19:10 yoga meditation more likely it's a walk 19:13 in the woods 19:13 so we have a conference at a retreat or 19:16 a workshop 19:17 near an outdoor park we try to get 19:19 people to take walks before 19:21 and sometime in the middle of a 19:22 conference to get them more arrested 19:25 we've done large numbers of small 19:26 experiments that prove that people do a 19:28 lot better they're more creative 19:30 they're less contentious uh they like 19:33 the experience more 19:34 and they're more likely to respond 19:36 afterwards that the experience was 19:37 useful and find themselves actually 19:39 putting the stuff into practice the 19:41 behavior change or the or the 19:42 educational strategies or motivational 19:44 strategies 19:45 so we have some short-term evidence of 19:47 that we also know that from the 19:49 communities these eco-team 19:51 examples or the the eco villages or the 19:54 co-housing 19:55 that those communities that have more 19:58 nature nearby 20:00 more of a sustainable agricultural focus 20:03 or large large scale gardening the 20:05 people tend to 20:06 stick with the behavior changes tend to 20:08 stay with the community's 20:10 uh plans and policies much much better 20:13 than those communities that 20:14 are more social in their engagement so 20:17 their 20:17 their community activity won't be 20:19 agricultural or native 20:20 natural nature focused rather than being 20:23 nature focused those activities would be 20:26 into social issues where they're 20:28 continuing to have to work with very 20:30 abstract ideas and with difficult 20:32 situations 20:33 uh further depleting attention so we 20:35 have this kind of evidence of small 20:37 large numbers of natural small 20:38 experiments going on that say that this 20:40 this resource is very important so my 20:43 advice to the students would be 20:44 you know don't don't worry about the 20:46 fact that directed attention gets 20:48 fatigued 20:48 it's natural it's what you what you do 20:51 when you're working really hard on 20:52 something that's really important is you 20:54 get brain dead 20:56 but work into your schedule some kind of 20:58 restorative activities walks in the 20:59 woods 21:01 take up some activity like bird watching 21:05 if you're going to take runs or other 21:06 kinds of exercise try to work through 21:08 wooded areas try to 21:10 be near water and then also just take 21:13 more time out during the day to stare at 21:15 nature or 21:16 to just reflect a little bit to slow 21:18 down the other piece of advice we give 21:20 them is that 21:21 the directed attention we have is finite 21:24 and so if you are 21:25 have a large number of distractions 21:27 during the day 21:29 you're going to have more fatigue than 21:32 you would have otherwise 21:33 so the distractions can be anything from 21:36 cell phones interrupting you 21:38 trying to study in a noisy environment a 21:40 coffee shop is a great example everyone 21:41 loves to go to a coffee shop and 21:43 study while while drinking coffee or tea 21:46 but it tends to be a terrible 21:47 environment for actually 21:49 managing your directed attention 21:50 capacity because you're 21:52 constantly having to be using that 21:54 attention to bring yourself back to the 21:55 task at hand because there's so many 21:57 interruptions 21:58 so many noises so many people so many 22:00 movements and such so 22:02 if you can reduce the distractions if 22:04 you can be in environments that are less 22:07 vibrant less less noisy less exciting 22:11 some of the time then you're going to be 22:13 able to work with whatever directed 22:14 attention you have longer 22:16 and be less irritable therefore the 22:18 group work that you're doing is going to 22:19 be 22:20 more rewarding for you and particularly 22:21 for everybody else 22:23 that's perfect um i think i just have 22:26 one more question for you 22:28 and we're asking all of our experts to 22:29 give us 22:31 um one action that if our learners were 22:34 only able to do 22:35 one thing take one action make one 22:37 change to address climate change 22:40 what do you think that action should be 22:42 and why 22:43 just one now i'd probably say plant a 22:46 garden 22:48 okay it gives you the it gives you a 22:51 number of things it gives you some 22:53 nature restoration so you're going to 22:55 get directed attention 22:57 restored it really puts you into a 23:01 position where 23:02 you're not in control anybody who 23:04 gardens knows that you don't 23:05 you don't control the growth of plants 23:08 you facilitate it or you encourage it 23:12 local food consumes a lot less energy 23:16 in terms of transportation and 23:17 processing and storage than 23:19 food from any distance easily it's 23:22 something that gets the neighbors 23:23 interested in so you have the 23:24 possibility of 23:26 sharing what you've just done with 23:28 either young kids in the neighborhood or 23:30 or adults so you have the opportunity to 23:33 have conversations about nature and 23:35 about food and about energy 23:39 and there have been very few negative 23:41 consequences of gardening so it's not 23:43 like there's going to be some kind of a 23:44 rebound effect where 23:47 we don't have any evidence that people 23:48 who garden tend to consume more energy 23:50 or 23:51 tend to travel more or anything like 23:52 that so i'd say plant a garden 23:54 that's perfect thank you so much for 23:56 being here with us today dr deyoung it's 23:58 been really helpful to get your ex 24:00 perspective on some of these issues of 24:02 behavior change thank you very much