Pursuing the Paris Climate Accord Goals: Martin Heller
A recent study, co-authored by Martin Heller, explored how much variability there is in the GHGs of American diets and found that 46% of the total emissions from food came from the diets of just 1/5 of the population. In this segment, we will talk about how much our food choices individually and collectively, contribute to total GHG emissions in the United States. We also discuss the concept of “food miles” and where the majority of our food-related GHG emissions come from.
Excerpt From

0:00 welcome back to this teach out on food 0:02 sustainability I here I'm here again 0:04 with dr. Martin Heller to talk about 0:06 kind of the Paris climate Accord and 0:09 carbon emissions and kind of how we 0:11 think about our food choices and how 0:14 they impact those overall emissions so 0:16 jumping into it I know that you you 0:19 recently co-authored a study that 0:21 explored the variability that there is 0:24 between emissions that are associated 0:25 with a kind of a variety of American 0:27 diets and you found a striking result 0:31 here that 46 percent of total emissions 0:34 from food came from the diets of just 0:36 one-fifth of the population you tell us 0:39 a little bit more about that finding and 0:41 that study sure and so that's you to 0:43 utilizing diet data from the National 0:49 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 0:52 so this is a this is an ongoing survey 0:55 that we conduct in the US to ask people 0:58 about what they're eating and about 1:00 their health and a lot of other 1:02 associated questions but it's really the 1:06 the best source of information in the 1:08 u.s. that we have for understanding 1:10 people's diets and what and what they're 1:12 eating you know the big advantage of 1:15 using that to look at a question like 1:17 this is like you said we can begin to 1:20 look at what the with the the the spread 1:22 is rather than just looking at a single 1:24 number at the average the average u.s. 1:26 diet we can begin to look at how how the 1:30 variation in us in diets in the u.s. 1:34 influenced that that carbon footprint 1:36 and one of the striking things we found 1:40 is just how much that that high-end tail 1:43 the the diets that are very high in 1:46 greenhouse gas emissions contribute to 1:49 the overall total so like you said that 1:51 the top fifth something like 46 percent 1:55 of the total there's like an Eightfold 1:57 difference in the contribution from that 2:01 highest fifth the highest twenty percent 2:04 of of the population to the lowest 2:07 twenty percent of the population so 2:08 pretty big spread there can you tell us 2:11 a little bit more about these groups and 2:13 who who was in which groups and how you 2:15 kind of partition that sure yeah the 2:18 stuff that's a challenging thing to 2:20 generalize I mean that they're 2:22 partitions simply by looking so linking 2:27 environmental-impact linking greenhouse 2:29 gas emissions associated with producing 2:31 different foods to those individual 2:34 diets and so then assigning a carbon 2:38 footprint greenhouse gas emissions 2:39 associated with that given diet and then 2:42 just ranking them based on on that total 2:44 so you know that's what what gives the 2:47 the order and then we divide them evenly 2:49 up into fifths and can start to look at 2:52 at what's going on in those groups you 2:54 know because of the nature of this data 2:57 you know statistical stuff and it's it's 3:00 difficult to just hone in and look at 3:02 individuals you kind of have to look at 3:04 them in in some sort of an aggregate so 3:07 we can start to look at what's driving 3:10 those those differences a big part of it 3:14 is the folks in those high-impact diets 3:18 simply are eating more that contributes 3:22 a lot but if even if we normalize by the 3:24 caloric intake that difference between 3:27 the high-impact diets and the low-impact 3:30 diets is still a factor of five so the 3:33 composition of their diets between those 3:36 two groups is a big contributor as well 3:39 and you know largely what we see is the 3:45 the amount of meat and in particular the 3:47 amount of beef in the diets is is a 3:51 large large driver so more meat in the 3:55 high-impact diets more likely to be beef 3:58 versus poultry in the lower impact diets 4:04 yeah it's helpful so thinking back to a 4:07 previous segment we were talking about 4:09 how small decisions can have a really 4:11 really large positive impact on the 4:14 environment 4:14 terms of your your food choices looking 4:17 at that 46% there's a huge opportunity 4:19 there to make even marginal changes for 4:22 for that group can have a really big 4:24 impact yeah so we just just to kind of 4:27 put those numbers in perspective we 4:29 looked at a hypothetical diet chef just 4:32 kind of a what if and what if we were 4:34 able to bring the greenhouse gas 4:39 emissions of those upper v diets just 4:43 down to the average of the total 4:45 population so if we're thinking about 4:48 that in terms of food intake again 4:51 picking on beef because that's a big 4:53 driver of what's going on up there but 4:56 the average beef intake in that in that 4:59 upper fifth was something like a third 5:02 of a pound a day 5:03 that's that's a fair amount of beef the 5:05 average for the whole population was I 5:08 think 51 grams so that's something like 5:11 a quarter pounder every other day you 5:13 know but you know that gives you a 5:15 little sense of the kinds of reductions 5:17 we're talking about here 5:20 of course beef isn't the only thing 5:23 that's driving those changes but you 5:25 know it's a big part of the driver and 5:27 gives you a little sense of what the 5:28 scale is but what we found is if we were 5:30 able to bring that that upper fifth down 5:34 to the average and you know assume that 5:38 that could happen every day of the year 5:41 it would bring us ten percent closer to 5:44 reaching our our Paris Accord agreement 5:47 so it starts to put I think it starts to 5:50 put in perspective the kind that the 5:53 role that that diet ship can have in 5:56 climate action that you know these net 5:58 numbers or those types of changes really 6:01 do matter from sort of the broader 6:04 perspective of of our overall u.s. 6:10 emissions sure now that's that's really 6:13 striking especially you know thinking 6:15 about you know across all sectors not 6:18 now not just looking at food I mean 6:19 there's so many different behaviors that 6:21 an individual can change to have a 6:23 positive impact on their their own 6:26 contribution to carbon 6:27 as we're looking for these kind of 6:29 marginal decreases across the board they 6:31 add up exactly which is great it's 6:33 really exciting to kind of see those 6:35 opportunities so I want to talk a little 6:38 bit about kind of the this concept of 6:41 food miles you know we're thinking of 6:43 everyone you know a lot of people think 6:46 about you know the the transportation 6:48 associated with food as having a really 6:50 large kind of emissions impact right so 6:53 we see a kind of movement toward eating 6:55 local and kind of supporting things that 6:57 are grown within certain amount of miles 7:00 from where you live right yeah but I'm 7:03 curious to hear a little bit more from 7:05 your perspectives looking at the 7:06 lifecycle analysis of how food is 7:08 produced and also taking in 7:10 consideration pre-production and 7:12 production as you mentioned earlier yeah 7:15 I'd love to start by saying that I'm a 7:18 huge proponent of local food you know I 7:21 think that growing growing food among 7:25 our neighbors grow you know having 7:26 having food and agriculture as part of 7:29 our community is is a huge importance 7:32 you know there's lots of benefits in 7:35 terms of nutrition and just the quality 7:39 of food that you can get by having it 7:42 grown locally but what we see when we 7:45 look at at sort of these lifecycle 7:48 studies of food production is on the 7:52 whole those transportation miles those 7:55 food miles don't contribute all that 7:58 much to the overall total again there's 8:00 there's a lot more emissions associated 8:03 with the actual on-farm production and 8:07 you know again on the whole the the 8:11 transportation you know is probably in 8:15 the like five to ten percent of total 8:17 emissions associated with with our food 8:20 you know that's that's not to say that 8:23 that those food miles don't matter but 8:26 if we are going to make a choice of you 8:30 know you know choosing something because 8:32 it's local or choosing something because 8:34 it's it's a low emission food 8:37 plant-based food rather than an 8:39 animal-based food 8:41 you're going to see a lot much greater 8:43 reduction by choosing a different food 8:46 than by choosing the local one that's 8:49 great I mean that's really helpful so 8:50 thinking about you know individual 8:52 changes that we can make to kind of help 8:55 take that step in the right direction 8:57 thinking about growing a garden in your 8:59 backyard right so going out and that 9:01 really cuts down on the food miles right 9:03 so trying to kind of reconnect there to 9:05 to your local food economy in a 9:08 different way is meaningful and 9:10 understanding that you know the 9:12 production is gonna be a huge huge part 9:14 of of where our food comes from and 9:16 where a lot of the emissions are but 9:18 knowing that you know wherever you want 9:20 to buy your food you have these kind of 9:22 decision points maybe you have these 9:24 moments where you can kind of weigh 9:25 those options so I think that kind of 9:27 the critical thinking skills associated 9:29 with that are super important so you 9:32 know from what you've seen in your 9:33 research you know what do you think the 9:35 best way that we can kind of continue on 9:38 this path to reduce our carbon emissions 9:40 is as it kind of relates to you know 9:44 everything that we've discussed in this 9:46 assignment sure and I really think that 9:49 the two standout pieces are are reducing 9:54 food waste and and that's a tricky one 9:57 you know it's it means changing our 10:00 relationship with food in a lot of ways 10:02 and changing our behaviors around how we 10:07 purchase and how what our what our 10:09 thoughts are about leftovers and you 10:13 know how we prepare food and all of 10:15 these other bits but and I also want to 10:19 make it clear that when I'm talking 10:21 about reducing food waste I mean not 10:24 necessarily just composting it I mean 10:28 that's a great thing right if if you 10:30 have to waste food it's it's better to 10:32 dispose of it in a in a proper way then 10:36 send it off to the landfill but again 10:39 the impact associated with that the 10:41 greenhouse gas emissions associated with 10:43 it comes from production right so so you 10:49 know regardless of how we dispose it 10:51 we've already invested that those 10:54 those carbon emissions so that's a big 10:57 piece and the other one is thinking 11:00 about about our diet and the composition 11:04 of our diet and eating less animal-based 11:07 foods you know there again there's 11:10 there's plenty of evidence that 11:13 demonstrate that the benefits of that 11:15 from an are environmental perspective as 11:18 well as a health perspective you know I 11:21 think we're always going to have these 11:23 sort of cultural discussions about what 11:25 kind of diet is is most health promoting 11:29 and best for weight reduction and all 11:32 these other things and and you know at 11:36 the end of the day those are those are 11:38 individual choices but we do know that 11:40 reducing animal-based foods in your diet 11:44 can have a notable impact on your carbon 11:48 footprint all right well thank you so 11:50 much for joining us Martin and thank you 11:52 for joining us we look forward to 11:54 continuing the conversation and the 11:55 discussion forums