The Future of Obamacare: Repeal, Repair, or Replace?
What is Obamacare? / Lesson 1 of 1
"Obamacare: What Has Worked? What Hasn’t? "
18 minutes
On April 13, 2017, the University of Michigan's Department of Health Management and Policy hosted a distinguished panel of experts, who discussed the different policy options for the future of the Affordable Care Act, and the potential impact upon the American healthcare system. This panel was held in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the School of Public Health. Over the coming modules, you will see footage from this panel, featuring Michigan faculty Richard Hirth, Peter Jacobson, Paula Lantz, Marianne Udow-Phillips and Ken Warner, interspersed with interviews filmed specifically for this Teach-Out, featuring our panelists and additional contributing faculty, Mark Fendrick, Melissa Creary, and Jenifer Martin.
In this initial panel segment, Richard Hirth addresses what has and has not been working well with Obamacare in its current form.