The Future of Gerrymandering Teach-Out
Current issues and why they matter / Lesson 1 of 5
Why should you care? How does this affect your life?
7 minutes
In this segment Lija Hogan discusses the implications that gerrymandering have on a democratic society. She will talk about why this is such a big issue now and what the major points of consideration are. She will also address how the practice of gerrymandering and the growing interest of redistricting reform may affect your personal and professional lives.
This video was filmed in May of 2018, prior to major developments in the Gill v. Whitford case as well as other ballot initiatives and legislative action on redistricting reform around the United States. For updates on these subjects, please view our updated video at the end of this Teach-Out.
Reflection Questions
During the video consider the following questions?
- What do you think? Do you care about gerrymandering? Why?
- How do current practices of redistricting and the issue of gerrymandering affect democracy?