How You Can Become an Expert through Purposeful, Deliberate Practice
In this video, Dr. Paula J. Caproni shows how expertise can be developed through practice. This video is part of our Science of Success MOOC.
Excerpt From

0:09 hello again 0:10 in this session you'll learn how experts 0:13 develop the knowledge skills and 0:15 experience 0:16 that make them exceptional at what they 0:18 do 0:19 regardless of whether you want to be a 0:21 superstar in your field 0:22 or whether you want to do a job that you 0:24 can be proud of 0:25 having an expertise that's meaningful to 0:27 you and others 0:28 is essential to your long-term success 0:31 it's also important because 0:33 organizations and societies need experts 0:36 as citizens we don't want to settle for 0:39 good enough pilots surgeons 0:41 nurses and engineers and we don't want 0:43 to drive cars with flawed airbags listen 0:46 to 0:46 meh concerts or tolerate mediocre 0:49 managers 0:51 if you want to become an expert in a 0:53 particular area 0:54 you'll need to invest in a special kind 0:56 of practice essential 0:58 to developing expertise experts in most 1:01 fields 1:01 develop their talents in similar ways 1:04 and that's the topic of this session 1:07 researcher anders ericsson calls the 1:09 kind of practice that develops expertise 1:12 purposeful deliberate practice 1:15 and it should come as no surprise that 1:17 experts spend more time developing their 1:19 craft 1:20 eleanor mcguire of the cab driver 1:22 studies found that the taxi drivers who 1:25 passed the knowledge exams 1:26 put in twice as many hours of studying 1:29 than those who didn't pass the exams 1:32 ericsson and his colleagues found that 1:34 it takes about 10 1:35 000 hours of practice which takes 1:38 several years 1:39 to become an expert this rule of thumb 1:42 has applied to superstar musicians 1:44 mathematicians athletes 1:46 as well as experts in many other 1:48 professions 1:49 although the ten thousand hour rule has 1:51 been debated for example 1:53 some researchers argue that the number 1:54 of hours needed to become an expert 1:56 differs 1:57 based on the knowledge and skills in 1:59 different areas such as games sports 2:01 music and professions 2:02 but researchers generally agree that 2:05 people who become experts practice more 2:07 often than those who don't 2:09 however people with world-class skills 2:12 don't just practice harder and longer 2:14 than others to learn their craft 2:16 they also practice better in a more 2:18 focused strategic and structured way 2:21 to increase their knowledge and skills 2:23 in a specific domain 2:25 it's the quality as well as the quantity 2:27 of hours of practice and experience 2:29 that turns someone into an expert 2:32 understanding how to practice better 2:34 matters not only to individuals 2:37 it also matters to organizations and 2:39 societies 2:40 just consider how much time that people 2:43 organizations and societies spend on 2:45 education and experience 2:47 billions of dollars are spent every year 2:49 on leadership development programs 2:51 globally undergraduate students in the 2:54 us 2:54 often graduate from public and 2:56 non-profit colleges with quite a bit of 2:58 debt 2:59 with all this time and money going into 3:01 training education and experience 3:03 you'd think that we'd have more experts 3:05 than we know what to do with 3:08 but here's the thing merely sitting 3:10 through classes or leadership 3:11 development programs 3:13 does not count as learning and going to 3:15 work every day 3:16 and doing your job doesn't count as 3:18 experience 3:19 if you're spending a lot of time just 3:21 going through the motions 3:23 to become outstanding in a particular 3:25 area of expertise 3:27 requires that you engage in focused 3:29 intensive and organized practice 3:32 day after day and year after year 3:36 it requires delayed gratification and a 3:38 lot of willpower 3:40 and that's why most people settle for 3:42 good enough 3:43 good enough is okay in many areas of our 3:45 lives but it's not okay 3:47 if people are depending on us to do our 3:49 jobs with a high level of expertise 3:53 now people who engage in intensive 3:55 practice 3:56 have the willpower to resist short-term 3:58 temptations so that they can achieve 4:01 their long-term goals 4:03 researcher roy baumeister warns that 4:05 willpower is a limited resources 4:07 so we have to use it wisely and here's 4:10 what he has to say about willpower 4:12 people who engage in intensive practice 4:15 have developed the willpower to resist 4:17 short-term temptations so that they can 4:20 achieve their long-term goals 4:22 researcher roy baumeister warns that 4:25 willpower can be depleted 4:27 you can think of willpower as filling a 4:29 bucket it doesn't matter what you use 4:31 your willpower on 4:33 the bucket gets emptied a bit each time 4:35 you use it 4:37 this means that if we use a lot of 4:39 willpower in one area 4:41 we'll feel like we have less willpower 4:43 available to use 4:44 in another and that's why people who are 4:47 experts in one area 4:48 are often mediocre in several other 4:50 areas 4:51 it's also why successful people often do 4:54 their hardest work early 4:56 in the day before the distractions of 4:58 the day kick 4:59 in and their willpower begins to dwindle 5:02 for example you can develop good habits 5:05 so that you don't wear yourself out 5:07 making so many decisions every day 5:09 that's why mark zuckerberg 5:11 the founder and ceo of facebook wears 5:13 the same light gray t-shirts and dark 5:15 gray sweatshirts 5:16 most of the time he says he wants to 5:19 save his energy for the more important 5:21 decisions he has to make 5:22 every day you can also manage the 5:25 environment around you so you don't have 5:27 to engage your willpower 5:29 for example you can keep unhealthy foods 5:31 out of the house so you don't have the 5:33 option to eat them at home 5:35 or you can install an app that won't let 5:37 you search the internet 5:38 when you should be working we'll discuss 5:41 these strategies 5:42 as well as others for increasing your 5:43 willpower later in this course 5:45 when you start working on your action 5:47 plan 5:49 now we'll turn to five steps for 5:51 becoming an expert through purposeful 5:53 deliberate 5:54 practice these steps include 5:57 first identifying your purpose second 6:00 creating a mental representation of 6:02 excellence third 6:04 developing your step-by-step strategy 6:07 fourth practicing with precision and 6:10 push 6:11 and fifth measuring your progress 6:15 okay so first you need to choose a 6:18 meaningful purpose 6:20 to commit to the rigors of intensive 6:22 practice you need to sincerely believe 6:24 that your long-term goal is worth the 6:26 time 6:26 toil and sacrifice it requires although 6:29 most people stop practicing once the 6:31 practice gets too difficult 6:33 or is no longer enjoyable experts 6:35 continue to practice to develop their 6:37 outstanding talent 6:39 they do so because they're committed to 6:42 their goals 6:43 and they connect them to making a 6:44 positive difference in the world 6:46 such as contributing to the well-being 6:48 of others 6:50 second you need to create a mental 6:52 representation of excellence 6:54 to become an expert you need to have an 6:57 idea in your mind about what expertise 6:59 looks like 7:00 to do this you can watch experts in 7:03 action in your desired area of expertise 7:05 and figure out what they do better than 7:07 novice or average performers 7:09 what makes them special what knowledge 7:12 and skills do they have 7:14 and how do they develop these what 7:16 degree certificates and awards do they 7:18 have 7:20 for example when i started out teaching 7:22 i sat in on the classes of some of the 7:24 top teachers at the business school 7:26 i watched how they taught i paid 7:29 attention to the techniques they used to 7:30 engage the students 7:32 i looked at the strategies they used to 7:34 organize their materials 7:36 and i went to workshops and read books 7:38 about how to become a teacher 7:40 who can inspire others over time of 7:42 course i developed my 7:44 own style and strategies but to this day 7:46 i still use some of what i learned by 7:48 watching expert teachers 7:49 earlier in my career the third thing you 7:52 need to do 7:53 is develop a step-by-step strategy once 7:57 you've identified what excellence looks 7:58 like 7:59 in the area you want to develop you'll 8:01 want to work backwards from your 8:02 long-term goals 8:03 and identify the specific knowledge 8:06 skills and experiences 8:08 as well as credentials you'll need then 8:11 you'll need to assess the knowledge 8:12 skills and experiences and credentials 8:15 you already have 8:16 once you've identified that gap you can 8:19 create your step-by-step 8:20 strategy now this involves breaking your 8:23 goals down 8:24 into smaller chunks of knowledge and 8:26 skills and then developing a plan 8:28 for learning and practice each of these 8:31 chunks 8:32 until you master them all 8:35 as you know chunking helps you turn an 8:37 ambitious goal 8:38 into a set of achievable steps 8:41 specifically 8:42 what knowledge of skill will you learn 8:44 and how will you learn it 8:46 learning each small chunk of knowledge 8:48 and skill on its own 8:50 may not feel that impactful but as 8:52 erickson says 8:54 progress comes as a series of baby steps 8:57 none very impressive on its own but they 9:00 can add up to an incredible journey 9:03 the next thing you need to do is 9:05 practice with precision and push 9:08 once you've identified the area of 9:10 performance you want to improve 9:12 you'll need to practice it in a 9:14 purposeful and deliberate 9:15 way for example if you want to improve 9:18 your communication 9:20 you might decide to say um and ah less 9:23 often 9:24 or you might decide to use more 9:26 compelling gestures 9:29 give your full attention to the task 9:31 each time you practice 9:33 erickson says it's better to train at 9:35 one hundred percent effort for less time 9:38 than at seventy percent effort for a 9:40 longer period 9:42 many experts engage in concentrated 9:44 practice for only two or five hours each 9:47 day 9:48 in one study ericsson asked expert 9:51 average and least accomplished violinist 9:54 to keep a log of the time they spent 9:56 practicing each week 9:57 he found that the violinist said they 9:59 spent the same amount of time practicing 10:02 but the most accomplished violinists use 10:05 their time 10:05 in a more focused way than the others 10:08 and practicing for just two hours each 10:10 day in a focused way for 10 years 10:12 adds up to 7 300 hours of deliberate 10:15 practice 10:16 and the good news is that many experts 10:19 take naps to rejuvenate 10:20 after their intensive practice once 10:24 you've reached a high level of 10:25 competence in a precise 10:27 area push yourself on to the next chunk 10:30 even if doing so means that you'll make 10:32 more mistakes 10:34 doing the same kind of practice of the 10:36 same skill 10:37 over and over again may feel comfortable 10:40 but it will not 10:41 increase your abilities competition 10:44 figure skaters for example 10:46 fall more during practice than average 10:48 skaters because they set more difficult 10:50 challenges for themselves 10:52 failure is part of the learning process 10:54 because making mistakes helps you 10:56 understand 10:57 what skills you don't yet have 11:00 ericsson says that the most learning 11:04 happens 11:04 at the edge of one's comfort zone 11:07 leadership researchers scott deru and 11:09 ned wellman 11:10 found that the best way to learn 11:12 leadership is to create what they call 11:14 optimal challenges if a challenge is too 11:17 hard 11:18 it can be overwhelming to the point that 11:20 it's disheartening 11:21 and nothing can be learned if the task 11:24 is too easy 11:25 it often offers no opportunity for new 11:27 learning 11:30 then you can also get a coach experts 11:33 often have coaches 11:34 particularly early in their careers who 11:37 help them develop their learning goals 11:39 and optimal challenges a coach can also 11:42 motivate you to push yourself harder 11:44 than you would on your own over time 11:46 you're likely to internalize the ability 11:48 to develop your own stretch goals 11:50 and stay motivated even without a coach 11:54 the last thing you need to do is 11:56 objectively measure your progress 11:59 you'll need to decide how you'll assess 12:01 whether you've achieved optimal 12:02 performance 12:03 in a particular area and one way is to 12:07 create smart goals 12:08 for every chunk of knowledge or skill 12:10 you want to develop 12:12 now smart stands for specific measurable 12:15 attainable relevant and time-bound 12:19 specific means that you've identified a 12:21 clear and unambiguous area of 12:23 improvement that you want to develop 12:26 saying i want to get healthy wouldn't be 12:28 specific 12:30 saying i want to eat more fruits and 12:32 vegetables still wouldn't be specific 12:35 saying i want to eat the equivalent of 12:37 three cups of fruits and vegetables 12:39 every day 12:40 would be specific measurable means that 12:44 you've established 12:44 concrete criteria for assessing when 12:47 you've achieved the standard of quality 12:48 you want to achieve 12:50 for each chunk of knowledge or skill you 12:52 want to develop 12:53 clear quality standards are important 12:56 because they help you self-correct along 12:58 the way before bad habits become etched 13:00 in 13:01 and hard to change attainable means that 13:05 you can realistically achieve 13:06 progress towards your goal remember that 13:09 optimal challenges are those that aren't 13:11 too 13:12 easy but they're not overwhelming to the 13:14 point that you can't make 13:15 any progress towards your goal said 13:18 another way 13:19 you don't want to bite off more than you 13:21 can chew 13:23 relevant means that the knowledge and 13:25 skill you want to master 13:27 fits with your short and long-term plan 13:29 to become an expert in your area 13:31 it's easy to become distracted focusing 13:34 on developing knowledge and skills 13:36 that may be interesting but they're not 13:38 central to the expertise you need to 13:40 develop to become 13:41 an expert in your desired area 13:45 and time bound means that you set clear 13:47 times 13:48 that you will spend developing the 13:50 knowledge and practicing the skill 13:52 as well as a clear deadline by when you 13:54 expect to have mastered the specific 13:56 goal so that's what experts do to build 14:00 the knowledge and skills that put them 14:02 at the top of their field 14:04 one of the most misleading things about 14:06 experts is that by the time we see them 14:08 do their thing 14:10 they make it look easy we rarely see the 14:13 toil behind the talent but if you look 14:16 at the history of 14:17 anyone who's a known expert you'll find 14:19 that they engaged in years of purposeful 14:22 deliberate practice 14:24 for example chris rock has achieved the 14:26 pinnacle of success 14:28 in his field of stand-up comedy rock 14:31 makes his stand-up comedy routines look 14:33 easy despite the years of purposeful 14:36 deliberate practice that he put into 14:38 each of his routines journalist david 14:41 carr 14:41 described the work that rock put into 14:43 developing his routine 14:45 for the new year's eve show at madison 14:47 square garden in 2007 14:49 this way he said for mr rock 14:52 being gifted is just about doing the 14:55 things that make it 14:56 look easy for many months he has been 14:58 piecing together his act in clubs in new 15:01 jersey new york 15:02 florida and las vegas comedy bit 15:05 by comedy bit he has built two hours of 15:08 material 15:09 one minute at a time culling the belly 15:12 laughs from the bombs 15:14 for him the 18 warm-up shows he did at 15:16 the stress factory in new brunswick new 15:19 jersey 15:19 preparing for the tour are more 15:21 important than his three 15:23 emmys vinnie brand the owner of the 15:26 stress factory said 15:28 he knows that they're going to give him 15:29 the first laugh because of who he 15:31 is but he came out here and worked on 15:34 his material 15:35 over and over cutting and trimming until 15:38 by the last show 15:39 you could not believe what he put 15:41 together 15:43 and so there you have it experts master 15:45 their craft through years of purposeful 15:47 practice 15:48 towards something they believe is worth 15:50 doing very very well 15:52 they develop systematic plans for 15:54 developing small chunks of knowledge and 15:57 skills 15:58 that they build on to step by step 16:00 create the vast body of knowledge and 16:02 skills 16:03 that puts them head and shoulders above 16:05 the rest 16:06 and when we see experts do what they do 16:09 seemingly 16:09 so effortlessly think of yo-yo ma 16:12 playing the cello 16:14 it's easy to attribute their mastery of 16:16 their craft as being the result of 16:18 natural talent 16:19 because we don't see how hard they 16:21 worked for so many years 16:22 with so much discipline to develop the 16:25 talent they have that now looks 16:27 natural so now you know a lot more about 16:30 expertise than you did just a few hours 16:32 ago 16:33 i'll leave you with these questions 16:35 first for you personally 16:37 what expertise is worth investing years 16:40 of mindful deliberate practice in 16:42 to become an expert in that area second 16:45 if you don't want to become a 16:47 world-class expert how can you use what 16:49 you 16:50 learned in this session to help you 16:52 achieve your goals 16:54 thanks for watching and learning about 16:56 expertise