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Future of Work

Recruitment and Your Recruitment Brand

This video details how to build a brand to that attracts and retains talented employees.

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0:08 now we're going to talk about 0:10 recruitment 0:11 and your recruitment brand in order to 0:15 attract people 0:16 to your company you have to have what we 0:19 call 0:19 a recruitment brand our pipeline diagram 0:23 shows the strategy it then shows the 0:26 supply and demand or the hr planning 0:29 portion 0:31 then there is defining the positions in 0:33 the structure 0:34 and now creating an employer brand 0:38 and executing that brand into 0:42 the recruiting plan and then we'll get 0:45 to all the other stuff 0:47 but let's first talk about the hiring 0:50 gold standard 0:52 there really isn't one the hiring 0:55 process is 0:56 very complex as well people 0:59 are very complex people want to know 1:03 what's the best way to hire 1:06 but there are many critical things to 1:08 consider 1:10 there's not just one model there are 1:12 many ways to do it 1:14 and the way you do it has to be 1:16 consistent 1:17 with your culture 1:20 but before you hire anyone 1:24 you have to have a recruitment brand 1:27 this is not a if i build it they will 1:31 come 1:31 kind of process this is a two-way 1:34 decision 1:35 in today's world people decide about 1:38 you and you decide about them 1:42 it is more a key and lock kind of thing 1:46 you may want someone and you need them 1:49 badly 1:51 but if you fail to attract them in a way 1:54 that helps them 1:55 see themselves in your environment with 1:58 your values 1:59 and your goals it's just an empty 2:03 model just like a person 2:06 needs to be able to tell others who they 2:09 are and what they stand for 2:11 you have to be able to articulate your 2:14 employer 2:15 value proposition who are you as a team 2:20 who are you as part of the company or a 2:21 department in that company 2:24 who are you as a company what is the 2:26 company 2:27 the department the team who are you know 2:30 for 2:31 it may boil down to we're just a fun 2:34 place to work with great people 2:37 but what makes you different from the 2:40 team across the way 2:42 why would anyone want to work with you 2:44 or for you 2:46 why would anyone want to work with me 2:50 you might ask and i would answer that 2:53 my brand is one of coaching and helping 2:56 people live their dreams 2:59 i'm at my best when i'm teaching 3:02 just last week i got an email from one 3:04 of my students 3:05 she was in a panic about a job that 3:08 she's going to be starting just 3:10 next week in fact i gave her some 3:13 options 3:15 and she took one of them the option 3:18 that she chose was to reach out to the 3:21 recruiter who had recruited her 3:23 and asked some clarifying questions 3:26 the recruiter wrote back immediately 3:30 that recruiter really knew their company 3:34 and knew the answer to this young 3:37 woman's question 3:39 my student wrote back to say that it all 3:41 worked out 3:42 she felt better she even said that her 3:45 mother had suggested 3:47 that it was appropriate that she reach 3:49 out to me 3:51 because my student knew my brand 3:54 and she had talked to her mom about it 3:57 today's generation talks to their moms a 3:59 lot 4:02 but my brand had been known to the 4:04 student and my brand was 4:07 important because i played a role 4:10 in the lives of others as a coach 4:14 now that made my week little things like 4:17 this make our lives well-lived 4:20 know what you want to bring to the world 4:22 know your brand 4:24 and give the world your best it will 4:27 surprise you in 4:28 many ways but this also goes for your 4:31 company 4:33 if you are going to attract people 4:36 to your team your department your 4:39 company 4:40 you have to be able to articulate what 4:44 you bring 4:44 to the world 4:48 companies have brands you know that and 4:51 you can see 4:51 some of the brand logos on this slide 4:56 there's the creation brand ge 4:59 it's known as a ceo maker 5:02 there's google it has an environmental 5:05 brand it's a cool place to work 5:08 and then unicef it makes the world 5:11 a better place what i call the legacy 5:14 brand 5:16 and then coach k at duke he has a 5:19 leadership brand 5:20 he is a person who attracts great 5:22 players 5:23 to his basketball team and he cares 5:26 about them 5:28 as if he were their father 5:31 apple has an innovation brand walmart it 5:34 has a price brand 5:36 and tiffany's a prestige brand 5:39 my university also has a brand and it's 5:42 depicted here in our leadership 5:44 brand statement it highlights 5:47 many things it highlights our values 5:51 its values are consistent with my values 5:54 thus i can work there because my values 5:57 link to the values of my university 6:01 the heart of this model is making a 6:04 positive difference in the world 6:06 i can buy into that i can buy into all 6:08 of it 6:09 and relate to it but what about you 6:13 can others relate to your team or to 6:16 your company 6:18 if you're recruiting someone for a 6:20 position 6:22 are you exemplifying the brand 6:25 that they will select to be a part of 6:29 if you select them what about your 6:31 recruiters 6:33 do they support the brand image that you 6:36 want to have 6:38 i recently was teaching a case study 6:41 in an executive education class and it 6:44 was about quickened loans 6:46 the number one mortgage lender in the 6:48 u.s for quality 6:50 as raided by j.d powers and associates 6:53 now this woman in my class spoke up 6:56 immediately 6:57 to tell everyone in the class about her 6:59 recent experience with quicken loads 7:02 and as many of you might know it's the 7:05 customers who really sell this company 7:08 to others 7:10 they don't really need marketing in 7:12 sales very much 7:13 because this customer went on and on 7:16 about the quality of service that she 7:18 had received 7:20 her quicken loans mortgage seller even 7:23 showed up on the day that she moved into 7:27 her new house 7:29 and she showed up with flowers what does 7:32 this tell you 7:33 about the brand 7:38 so tell me about you 7:41 what is the company or department or 7:44 team brand 7:45 i'd like you to describe it in a 7:46 paragraph of about 50 words or less 7:50 pretend you are the recruiter 7:53 are you ready to attract talent to your 7:55 company your department or your team 7:58 prepare this document about why you 8:01 are able to recruit for your company or 8:04 why not 8:05 using the brand that you wrote about 8:08 in preparation for our next lesson what 8:11 are the characteristics 8:13 of a great recruiter we heard some of 8:17 them 8:18 in the video we saw on quicken loans 8:21 i can't wait to see what you have come 8:23 up with 8:24 be creative use expressive and emotional 8:28 words 8:30 paint a picture in my mind 8:33 of who you are as a team or a company 8:38 attract me bring me in 8:41 tell me why i'd like to be part of it