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Future of Work

Preparing a Plan for Every Person

This video focuses on individualizing plans for employees, so that each employee on your feels valued and can grow.

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0:09 when i've 0:09 watched and listened to the stories of 0:12 my students and the executives that i 0:14 teach about when they're at their best 0:17 and when their people are at their best 0:20 we get a true 0:21 sense of what does talent look like 0:26 i hope you have had an exciting 0:28 experience 0:29 creating those kinds of stories as well 0:32 trying to create a passion with a 0:36 purpose 0:37 now it's time to make a plan for every 0:41 person 0:41 we're going to try and make a plan at 0:43 least for one of your people 0:46 look at your score what do you need 0:49 to improve on the a3 e2 scale 0:53 and look at the score that you gave to 0:55 your employee or your team member 0:57 the one that you have been working on 0:59 throughout this course 1:01 what do they need according to the a3 1:04 e2 model so please take a look at those 1:07 forms that you created prior 1:10 and also think about are you exposing 1:14 them 1:15 to other people are you yourself 1:18 being exposed to people in your 1:21 companies 1:23 the a3 e2 model works 1:27 but it doesn't work without having 1:30 exposure in the team or company 1:35 people can have all five qualities 1:38 but if they're in the corner they 1:41 might not shine like they could 1:45 with true exposure 1:49 we have to develop them and this is our 1:52 time 1:53 to work on development plans 1:57 but what is the formula for talent 2:01 development 2:02 do you know it see i imagine 2:05 that this is sheldon the genius 2:08 character 2:09 on the big bang theory the only tv show 2:12 that i watch i'm addicted to it i have 2:14 to say 2:16 as a self-proclaimed nerd having been 2:19 called that most of my life 2:20 i can now own it and sheldon seems to 2:24 know the formula 2:26 the formula for developing talent 2:29 really has had a lot of research 2:32 in the last century it showed us that to 2:36 develop 2:37 people 70 of 2:40 great development happens in what i have 2:43 coined 2:44 as the word assignmentology 2:48 assignmentology is giving someone 2:50 assignments 2:51 where they learn and they practice new 2:54 and important skills 2:58 twenty percent happens with the coaching 3:00 and mentoring 3:01 that i've mentioned the important 3:03 guidance 3:04 that you can give to other people and 10 3:08 percent of development of talent happens 3:10 in other modes like classes like reading 3:14 like this online course 3:17 70 2010 is only directional in fact 3:20 recent research indicates that coaching 3:23 mentoring and exposure 3:25 in organizations may in fact raise that 3:28 segment 3:29 of the pie so to speak perhaps 20 to 40 3:32 percent of talent development 3:34 can happen through things that you can 3:36 do with coaching 3:38 and exposing your talented people 3:41 to others again 3:44 assignmentology is the art of designing 3:48 or 3:48 creating learning experiences that give 3:51 talented 3:52 people the skills and abilities and 3:55 opportunities to succeed 3:58 hopefully not to fail but 4:02 it's always good to fail we learn a lot 4:05 from failing at assignments but 4:09 be careful not to fail more than once in 4:12 the same area 4:14 there are many assignments that can 4:17 teach 4:18 and assignments don't have to be in 4:20 another position 4:22 i don't mean promoting somebody or 4:24 moving them some other place 4:26 these kinds of assignments can happen 4:28 right in place on the job 4:31 you can give people excellent 4:33 opportunities for learning 4:35 right in their own job or maybe adjacent 4:39 by spending some time with other people 4:43 spending some time shadowing people in 4:45 other departments 4:46 this only takes your creativity to 4:49 create a plethora 4:51 of different kinds of assignments now 4:53 they could be stretch assignments like 4:55 the one i did as a plant manager having 4:57 never really worked towards being that 5:00 before 5:02 but it could be doing something that 5:04 you've never done 5:06 or the person you're developing has 5:08 never done 5:09 right in place 5:12 it could be inside the company it could 5:14 be on a team 5:16 it could be outside the company 5:20 i like to talk about stretch assignments 5:22 doing things that are 5:23 bigger than you've ever done before 5:25 maybe building something 5:28 maybe opening something maybe stopping 5:31 some processor system closing it down 5:34 a lot of change management skills would 5:36 be learned in doing something like that 5:40 helping somebody to install a new 5:42 culture or 5:43 something with new products assigning 5:46 people to task forces 5:48 and putting them on new teams exchanging 5:52 roles right in your department 5:54 having people swap different assignments 5:57 learn 5:58 different roles maybe of their teammates 6:01 creating a new production process or 6:03 installing a new technology leading a 6:06 new team or a new department or 6:08 representing the company outside on a 6:11 board maybe a non-profit board or maybe 6:13 a for-profit board 6:15 having them work on an association 6:19 in your company business lots of things 6:23 can fulfill the role of the most 6:25 important 6:26 way to develop people that have given 6:28 them 6:29 greater assignments again 6:32 assignmentology 6:34 but do not forget to expose your talent 6:36 to others 6:37 don't hold them from other opportunities 6:41 it doesn't matter what you call it it 6:43 can be coaching it can be mentoring 6:45 it can be sponsoring what is sponsorship 6:48 well sponsoring somebody else is 6:52 really taking a look at them and seeing 6:55 something 6:56 in their future that maybe they haven't 6:58 even seen 6:59 and making sure you tell others about it 7:02 so when somebody says oh i have an 7:03 opening in my department and i can't 7:05 find the person and all of a sudden a 7:07 light bulb goes on and you say well i i 7:10 know somebody 7:12 and they're really great and these are 7:14 the qualities they have 7:16 and this is why they could do the job 7:17 for you 7:19 sponsor them for the next role expose 7:22 them 7:24 talk talk talk communicate communicate 7:27 communicate 7:28 find out what's important to each of 7:30 your people 7:32 and help them make it happen this is 7:35 part of engaging them 7:37 and it's part of helping you to prepare 7:39 talent for the future 7:41 the most important thing that you can do 7:44 for your talent 7:45 so they don't walk out the door the 7:48 number one thing is to talk to them 7:51 about their career career planning is a 7:54 50 50 deal 7:56 but you must do about 75 to make it 7:59 happen 8:00 urge your people to think about what 8:02 they want 8:04 you think about what you want help 8:07 others reach 8:08 their potential you will receive 8:11 so much in return when you care 8:15 about the others careers 8:18 now if you want a succinct definition in 8:21 these terms 8:22 i will tell you coaching kind of happens 8:24 in your same function 8:26 coaching somebody in the function 8:28 mentoring happens 8:30 relationships happen over time 8:33 so it may be that you mentor somebody 8:36 who used to be in your function that has 8:37 moved on 8:38 that you have an affinity for and you 8:40 want to see them grow in the world and 8:41 that's what we call 8:42 mentoring and again sponsorship 8:46 is helping somebody when they don't even 8:48 know it 8:49 helping them into the future 8:54 but what skills do you need to be 8:57 effective to be a good 8:59 coach and a good mentor 9:04 listening is absolutely critical i heard 9:06 you say it at least i heard you think it 9:10 but observation is critical 9:13 also observe your people 9:17 your team members get inside their heads 9:19 know what they want 9:21 and address what they need do not assume 9:24 you know what they say about assumptions 9:27 get to the bottom of the truth 9:30 get to the needs as far as a3 9:33 e2 and create assignments that will 9:36 teach them 9:38 and give each person the coaching they 9:40 need 9:41 at the right times in their company 9:44 so that they know that you care about 9:46 their careers 9:48 so that you feel fulfill the number one 9:52 requirement of talking to people about 9:55 their careers 10:01 obviously this is not the leader 10:05 that you want to be look closely 10:09 look into the eyes of your talent and 10:12 create that plan that will help them 10:15 to succeed or possibly to exceed 10:19 even what they think is possible 10:23 create a positive future for the talent 10:27 that you are trying to develop 10:29 and grow and don't forget the important 10:33 ten percent 10:34 you could even teach them something 10:36 yourself 10:38 the leader teacher model is really a 10:41 crucial 10:42 role we know from research that if you 10:45 teach someone something 10:47 you bring them emotionally closer to you 10:52 what a simple thing to do and when we 10:55 teach someone something 10:56 we even learn it better ourselves 11:01 we know that here is a planning document 11:04 for you to create a plan for every 11:06 person who you're responsible for 11:10 start with the person who you've been 11:12 focusing on in this course 11:14 or possibly focus on you make a plan for 11:17 you 11:18 post your plans online remember you 11:21 don't have to act 11:22 in each category this is what each 11:24 person needs and it's differential 11:26 depending on the person only put things 11:29 down 11:30 where they're needed it may be possible 11:34 that you really need to sit down with 11:35 the person and talk to them 11:37 even before starting this task but try 11:40 to fill out 11:41 one plan for one person to practice this 11:45 simple task 11:46 that will take your leadership skills to 11:48 the next level 11:50 and possibly take your talented 11:52 individual 11:53 to their next level too