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Future of Work

Keep Going and Slow Down by Managing Your Energy

You know the feelings of a post-lunch slump? Or the energizing experience of a brainstorm? Learn about energy management and how you can identify and change your daily energy peaks with Gretchen Spreitzer, the Alessi Professor of Business Administration. Watch the video from the Thrive in Trying Times Teach-Out here.

Excerpt From


0:00 I'm Gretchen sprite sir I'm a faculty 0:01 member at the Ross School of Business 0:03 and a core faculty member of the Center 0:05 for positive organizations and today I'm 0:08 gonna share with you some of my work 0:09 around energy management because we know 0:12 in difficult times like this that we can 0:15 feel very depleted we can feel that 0:18 we're coping or we're surviving rather 0:21 than actually thriving through these 0:24 difficult times so I'm gonna share with 0:26 you some things about what energy 0:27 management is and why you should care 0:29 about it and share with you a tool that 0:32 might be helpful to you as you're trying 0:34 to better manage your energy so that you 0:36 can be thriving rather than surviving or 0:39 coping so what is energy management well 0:42 it's specific practices that you can use 0:45 in your everyday life to increase the 0:48 probability that you have good energy or 0:50 vitality vitality we know is one of the 0:53 two key dimensions of thriving at work 0:56 with the other being learning and 0:58 growing and developing so there's three 1:01 core practices around energy management 1:06 the first these are by the way these are 1:08 things that you probably have some 1:10 familiarity with because they're all 1:12 within your control 1:13 so first sleep we know sleep can be 1:15 disruptive and challenging stressful 1:17 times but we should really try to keep a 1:19 sleep routine trying to go to bed around 1:21 the same time get up around the same 1:23 time and shoot for around seven to eight 1:25 hours of sleep 1:27 second hydration and nutrition both 1:30 really important so keep fresh water 1:34 nearby be sipping it throughout the day 1:36 and while we might be tempted to eat a 1:39 lot of comfort foods during these 1:41 difficult times it's a time to also be 1:44 thinking about maybe we have more time 1:46 we can eat more healthily and cook from 1:48 scratch more healthy meals and then 1:50 third is about movement now that the 1:53 weather is getting nicer here in 1:54 Michigan it's a little easier for us to 1:56 get outside but get out take a walk 1:59 maybe it's with a friend and neighbor 2:00 keeping that physical distance of course 2:03 maybe it's taking your dog for a walk or 2:05 borrowing a dog if you don't have one of 2:07 your own so those are three core 2:10 principles of energy management now 2:12 let's share 2:13 do a quick tool that we've developed at 2:15 the Center for positive organizations 2:17 with Tracy grant to better help you 2:20 manage your energy and basically with 2:22 this tool we ask people to read their 2:24 energy across each hour of the day so 2:27 for example if they get up at 7 a.m. and 2:28 I'm eating breakfast I would write down 2:30 7 a.m. eating breakfast and my energy 2:33 level on a scale from 1 to 10 maybe I'm 2:35 just getting going as a 5 at 8:00 a.m. 2:38 I'm gonna rate my energy again on a 2:40 scale from 1 to 10 maybe I'm doing email 2:42 now and my Energy's gone up a little bit 2:44 at the end of the day then we ask people 2:47 to create what we call an energy profile 2:49 where they're plotting what their energy 2:52 looks like over the course of the day so 2:54 along the bottom you've got your the 2:56 time of day on the y-axis we have what 3:00 your energy level is and you can begin 3:02 to see where some of the peaks and 3:04 valleys are the highs and lows one of 3:07 the kind of things I'm doing most often 3:09 when I've got low energy maybe that's 3:11 what I'm doing something very routine or 3:14 boring whether the peaks what are the 3:16 kind of things I'm doing when my energy 3:18 level is very high maybe I'm learning 3:20 but those are times where I'm 3:21 interacting with other people so it's a 3:24 tool that can help you understand the 3:26 highs and lows of your energy management 3:28 and help you increase those times when 3:31 your Energy's high the kind of things 3:33 that are enabling that to happen and 3:35 find ways to mitigate or reduce those 3:38 activities that create depletion or low 3:41 energy so I hope this tool is helpful to 3:44 you is you're trying to best manage your 3:47 energy during these difficult times so 3:49 that you also can thrive or be more 3:52 likely to thrive rather than cope or 3:54 survive in these difficult situations