Solving the Opioid Crisis Teach-Out
How do Opioids Work? - With Dan Clauw, M.D. / Lesson 1 of 1
What you'll learn and interview with Dan Clauw
20 minutes
About Dan Clauw, M.D.
Daniel Clauw is a Professor of Anesthesiology. Medicine (Rheumatology) and Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. He serves as Director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center. Until January 2009 he also served as the first Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research within the University of Michigan Medical School, and PI of the UM Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA).
What You'll Hear
- What is the fundamental brain science of opioids and opioid receptors?
- What other functions do the body’s internal opioids provide?
- How is the body’s internal opioid production affected by opioid treatment?
- What are the dynamics that led to the proliferation of opioid prescription in the late 1990s?
- What are risk factors that lead to opioid misuse?
- Why is opioid misuse more prevalent in some areas of the United States than others?
- What are cannabinoids, and how can they be used as an alternative pain treatment?
- What do the recently released national guidelines for opioid prescription recommend, and are they working?