Ethical Implications & Limitations of Using Generative AI / Lesson 1 of 13
Ethical Implications & Limitations of Using Generative AI
6 minutes
Welcome back to the Teach-Out on generative AI, where we’ve introduced you to the basics of this exciting technology. In this module, we explore the ethical implications and limitations of using AI systems. We’re joined by several University of Michigan faculty members who speak to the limitations of generative AI systems.
In this module, H. V. Jagadish, Edgar F Codd Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, will set the stage for ethics in AI and bias.
Please note that some of the content in this module was filmed with ChatGPT, specifically, in mind. As you engage with the content, we ask that you reflect on how these messages can apply to all generative AI tools and assistants.
Text generated with the support of ChatGPT.