2 Years
Or adjust your course load to fit your schedule
42 Credits
Completed through 21+ courses
The online Master of Public Health in Population and Health Sciences degree from the University of Michigan School of Public Health provides cutting-edge multidisciplinary education for those seeking to create a healthier world through research, education, and practice. To prepare to become leaders in the field, MPH students build expertise in core public health concepts and customize their learning with skill development in areas like precision nutrition, health communications, data analysis, environmental epidemiology, and more.
The comprehensive MPH curriculum equips students to tackle complex health challenges such as chronic and infectious diseases, obesity and food insecurity, health care quality and costs, climate change and environmental health determinants, and the health impact of socioeconomic inequalities. Each student gains real-world experience through applied practice experiences with professionals in the public health sector.
Skills You'll Gain

Analyze and interpret population health data
Separate fact from fiction in health statistics and health studies
Communicate and engage with diverse stakeholders around population health improvement
Dive deeper into a population health field, such as environmental health, health care finance, or precision nutrition