1-3 Years
Adjust your course load to fit your schedule
30 Credits
Completed through 10 courses
The Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Energy Systems Engineering (ESE) program is designed for students who are motivated to take on the challenges facing society in the areas of sustainable energy generation, storage, and conversion. In this program, students learn about alternative and conventional energy technologies, the societal and environmental impact of technology developments, and the economic benefits of those developments.
The curriculum takes a holistic approach and exposes students to courses from across disciplines, including engineering, natural and social sciences, public policy, environmental science, and business. Students gain a depth and breadth of knowledge, and an interdisciplinary perspective of the need for energy solutions. Students also develop the skills to analyze often opaque cause and effect relationships across various fields (e.g., how a technological solution impacts legislation and society; or how the abundance and price of energy resources impact food supply, water quality, and sea life, etc.). Graduates are prepared to responsibly lead the future development of critically needed, sustainable infrastructures.
Skills You'll Gain

Acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of the need for energy solutions.
Gain the skills to analyze cause and effect relationships across various fields.
Acquire breadth across disciplines.
Develop the preparedness to lead the development of critically needed, sustainable energy infrastructures.