Michigan Online Visionary Educators (MOVE) Series
The Michigan Online Visionary Educators (MOVE) Series features presenters sharing insights, tools and discussions on issues relevant to the lives of everyday people around the world, including meaning and purpose, addressing urgent health care challenges, the benefits and challenges of learning through human dissection, and more. Each event will be available free online and feature an interactive Q&A. Many of the speakers may be familiar to learners as the faculty behind some of the most successful and innovative learning experiences available through Michigan Online.
The MOVE Series launched in February 2021 and will continue in 2022 with a new lineup of innovative speakers. REGISTER for these free events below. Registration is required. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming MOVE Series Events
September 2022
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EDT
Title: Shaping Open Source Programming: Helping Yourself, Others, and Society
Featured Speakers:
Colleen van Lent, Lecturer IV, University of Michigan School of Information
Elle O’Brien, Lecturer and Research Investigator, University of Michigan School of Information
Clyde Seepersad, SVP & General Manager, Training & Certification, The Linux Foundation
Hilary Carter, VP, Research, The Linux Foundation
Jeffrey Sica, Principal Developer Experience Engineer, Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Attendees can expect to learn:
Introduction to open source software
Open source’s impact on our daily lives and a glimpse into the future
The importance of representation for advancing open source
Ways to join the open source community
Archived MOVE Series Events
May 2022
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Title: The Future of Electrification, Sustainability, and Society
Featured Speakers:
Elisabeth Gerber, Jack L Walker Jr Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Professor of Political Science, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
M.S. Krishnan, Accenture Professor of Computer and Information Systems and Professor of Technology and Operations, Stephen M Ross School of Business
Eryn Devola, Vice President of Sustainability, Siemens Digital Industries
Jennifer Bradford (moderator), Global Business Strategy Manager, Siemens Digital Industries
Attendees can expect to learn:
What is electrification?
How will we see it transform manufacturing broadly?
What are the transformations we're seeing in a core industry like automotive?
What will be the economic, policy, and social implications of electrification and what can industries and society be doing now to prepare?
View the recording of the event here.
April 2022
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
Title: Authentic Networking: what is it? why is it important? And how to do it with purpose.
Featured Speakers:
Klementina Sula, Lecturer, International and Comparative Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Learn more about Klementina here.
Clary Baudraz, Graduate Student Instructor, College of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Attendees can expect to learn:
How networking is not about what you know or who you know, but who knows you and who trusts you.
The role networking plays in leader and leadership development.
Tips on becoming the best networker such as knowing who you really are, showing up as your authentic self, and seeking value and purpose alignment.
View the recording of the event here.
March 2022
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
Title: Leadership in Turbulent Times
Featured Faculty: Mike Barger, Executive Director Ross Online, Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Ross School of Business
Attendees can expect to learn:
Why today’s business environment requires leaders to be well-prepared for future crises
How to anticipate and respond to stakeholder expectations during a crisis
A simple model that describes leadership responsibilities during a crisis: Be, Know, Do
How a clear set of Guiding Principles can help leaders make and communicate difficult (and likely unpopular) decisions during challenging times
View the recording of the event here.
February 2021
Date: Friday, February 19, 2021
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
Title: Leadership 2.0: Leading High-Performing Teams and Organizations in an Era of Change
Featured Faculty:
Lindy Greer, Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, Stephen M Ross School of Business
Abstract: The skills required to successfully lead high-performing teams are rapidly evolving. Leaders are increasingly required to lead agile and adaptive teams, remote collaboration, and diverse workforces. In this fireside chat, Professors Scott DeRue and Lindy Greer will discuss their research and teaching on these topics, including looking around the corner to the newest trends in leadership research and practice.
View the recording of the event here.
March 2021
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Title: “Staying Alive”: Learning Health Systems and the Race Against the Clock
Featured Faculty:
Abstract: Faculty from the Health Infrastructures & Learning Systems (HILS) program will explore the real-world problem of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest as a mechanism for understanding the concept of a Learning Health System, which takes a constant flow of data and analytics and harnesses it to transform medical system innovations. They'll also share how HILS is working to develop a workforce grounded in this science who can change the future of healthcare.
View the recording of the event here.
April 2021
Title: Accessibility in the Digital World
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Featured Faculty:
Colleen Van Lent, Lecturer in Information, School of Information
Kristin Fontichiaro, Clinical Associate Professor of Information, U-M School of Information
Abstract: Bring your questions and join Colleen and Kristin for an interactive discussion about maximizing the accessibility of your digital activities and programs. We’ll build on the extraordinary pivot librarians and educators made to online spaces and use those discoveries to guide accessibility improvements across tools, including Google Drive to Facebook to videoconferencing.
View the recording of the event here.
May 2021
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Title: Meaning and Purpose in Life: What's the Difference and Why Does It Matter?
Featured Faculty:
Abstract: In this session, University of Michigan faculty Vic Strecher (Health Behavior and Health Education faculty, author of the book, "Life on Purpose" and founder of Kumanu, a company dedicated to helping people and organizations create authentic experiences and build stronger business performance, and Paula Caproni (Management and Organizations faculty and author of the book "The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know") discuss why meaning and purpose are central to personal success and overall well being. Combining research, practical examples, and their own experience, Strecher and Caproni cover the following inspiring and practical topics: (1) the difference between meaning and purpose; (2) the benefits of each; (3) the potential risks of each if not applied wisely; and (4) how to incorporate meaning and purpose into your own life in ways that help you achieve your life goals and simultaneously contribute to the greater good.
View the recording here.
June 2021
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
Title: From Content to Community: An Emerging Framework for Re-creating Learning Experiences for a Digital World
Featured Faculty:
Don Peurach, Professor of Education, School of Education
Abstract: Amidst and post COVID contexts, educators have responded quickly with designs for learning that are meaningful to students. In this talk, we present an emerging framework for re-creating high quality learning experiences that are well-suited for a new digital reality. We evidence its roots in our prior work on resilient design for learning and self-directed community-supported learning. We discuss how these approaches can be adopted nimbly, while allowing us to extend them into a range of new contexts.
View the recording here.
July 2021
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Title: Teaching with the Dead
Featured Faculty:
Kathleen Alsup, Lecturer in Anatomical Science, Medical School
Glenn Fox, Lecturer in Anatomical Science, Medical School
Kelli Sullivan, Lecturer in Anatomical Sciences, Medical School
Rachel Hurwitz (Moderator), Clinical Subjects Associate
Abstract: With the current wave of technology-specific anatomical learning tools, there is one learning tool that remains a constant - learning through dissection. Dissection provides an irreplaceable and unique opportunity to experience three-dimensionality and haptics, as well as human anatomical variability, which is difficult or impossible to replace through other technological tools. Even though dissection is a superior learning tool, it does bring unique challenges for both students and teachers alike.
View the recording here.
October 2021
Date: Friday, October 29, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Title: Analytics and Wisdom of the Crowd in Sports
Featured Faculty:
Stefan Szymanski, Stephen J Galetti Professor of Sport Management and Professor of Kinesiology, School of Kinesiology
Christopher Brooks, Assistant Professor of Information, School of Information
Attendees can expect to learn:
The application of the Wisdom of the Crowd to sports
Interpreting Transfermarkt soccer player valuations as the wisdom of the crowd
How the wisdom of the crowd fits with machine learning methods
View the recording here.
November 2021
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Title: Extended Reality for Everybody
Featured Faculty:
Attendees can expect to learn:
Very brief overview of XR tech and promising applications
How the Future of Work will be impacted by XR
How Social VR is used for collaboration
Considerations for Accessibility in XR
Privacy and Security
How Virtual Production brings XR to the world
What is the Metaverse and why should I care?
View the recording here.
December 2021
Date: Friday, December 3, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Title: Emotional Intelligence: Cultivating Immensely Human Interactions
Featured Faculty:
Cheri Alexander, Faculty Management and Organizations, former Chief Innovation Officer at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business Executive Education Department and VP HR International Operations General Motors
Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration, Stephen M Ross School of Business and Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
In this dynamic session Cheri and Jeffrey provide compelling and relatable insights that reveal how much of our social life is shaped by emotional intelligence. They draw from their research and global executive education experience to provide tips for giving useful feedback as well as preparing yourself to receive feedback from others. They share different actionable methods for coaching, mentoring, and teaching in these key areas.
View the recording here.
February 2022
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Time: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. ET
Title: The Discipline of Breaks
Featured Faculty:
Patrick Barry, Program Director of Writing and Academic Support and Clinical Assistant Professor of Law, U-M Law School. Learn more in his bio here.
Attendees can expect to learn:
Research on when putting in more hours of works stops yielding positive results
Macro-level strategies on how to build effective breaks into your calendar and To-Do List
Micro-level strategies on how to build effective breaks into your writing and presentations