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Future of Work

Start with Hello

Amy Young, a Lecturer of Business Communication, shares the powerful impact we can have on others by simply offering a greeting. Saying hello to others offers them access to a sense of belonging, especially when done with intentional warmth and welcome. Saying hello creates a network effort where everyone around us benefits from more of those high quality connections that help us thrive. This video is part of the Thrive in Trying Times Teach-Out, and you can check it out here.

Excerpt From


0:00 hi I'm Amy young and I teach the Ross 0:03 School of Business and I teach 0:04 communication and I'm going to talk to 0:06 you today about positive communication 0:08 how you can use your interactions with 0:12 others to make a difference in their 0:14 life and your own life so we take 0:17 communication for granted you know it's 0:19 sort of like water is to a fish it's 0:22 everywhere and nowhere okay everywhere 0:25 in that we use it every time that we 0:28 engage with another person it's nowhere 0:30 because we don't really give it a lot of 0:32 thought to it because it's just all over 0:35 so what I'm going to teach you is a 0:38 practice you can use to be more 0:40 purposeful in how you communicate so 0:43 this practice is very simple all it is 0:47 is taking the time to greet people so 0:50 greet people you may not know or if you 0:54 know someone give them a really 0:56 authentic reading one that says that 0:59 they matter in your eyes because that's 1:02 really what a greeting is what a 1:04 greeting is is you're telling the other 1:05 person that they matter and 1:08 psychologically that hits a fundamental 1:10 need we all have to know that we belong 1:13 to know that we're important in the eyes 1:15 of others so taking the time to greet 1:19 makes a difference in their life now 1:22 you're probably saying was the 1:24 coronavirus going on I don't have 1:26 opportunities to greet people I'm 1:28 isolated well what you can do is either 1:32 pick up the phone or text or get on a 1:35 video chat and what's the purpose just 1:38 to see how they're doing what you're 1:41 saying is that they matter in your eyes 1:43 it's not a big deal because on your end 1:46 it's not that much but it does matter to 1:49 them now you have to ask yourself why 1:52 don't we do this more often well the 1:54 reason why is that when we communicate 1:56 with other people we base it on how we 1:59 feel at that moment and how you feel may 2:03 not be too to greet someone 2:05 you may feel tired you may feel cranky 2:09 what you need to do is change your 2:11 mindset change it from how 2:13 I feel right now - who needs to show up 2:16 who needs to show up and that will lead 2:19 you into the interaction so I have this 2:23 example that will show you what I mean 2:26 when I started teaching I didn't really 2:30 enjoy it the reason why it's a lot like 2:33 giving a presentation every single day 2:35 and you know how much people love giving 2:37 presentations so when I was going off to 2:40 teach I will always be thinking about oh 2:43 my gosh am I gonna forget this am I 2:45 gonna be embarrassed I don't feel like 2:47 teaching today from the minute I left my 2:51 office - entering the classroom I 2:53 developed a habit of changing what I was 2:56 thinking about I would ask myself who 2:58 needs to show up and I was that person I 3:01 led with that here's the funny thing I 3:04 within five minutes I would get positive 3:07 energy from my students it would become 3:10 a positive experience for myself so how 3:14 I showed up is what I got in return so 3:17 what you need to do is find a way to 3:19 develop a habit of greeting people or 3:23 another way to say that they matter 3:26 maybe for example when you are having 3:31 your morning coffee you develop the 3:34 habit of texting five people in your 3:36 life and letting them know that you care 3:39 about them that's gonna make a huge 3:41 difference to know that you are thinking 3:43 about them so just take five minutes out 3:47 of your day and reach out to other 3:50 people and greet them authentically and 3:53 let them know that they matter in your 3:56 life thank you