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Future of Work

Positive identities: Affirm your way

Laura Morgan Roberts, a Professor of Practice at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, showed us how important positive identities are, but how hard it can be to maintain them during hard times. She explains how the G.I.V.E. model can help sustain positive identities. See the video from the Thrive Teach-Out here.


0:00 hi I'm Laura Morgan Roberts I'm a 0:02 professor of practice at the University 0:03 of Virginia dart in school and I'm also 0:05 a faculty affiliate for the Center for 0:07 positive organizations at the University 0:10 of Michigan in trying times our greatest 0:14 strength comes from the power within 0:16 it's about how we see ourselves as 0:18 capable resourceful and caring 0:21 that's what affects our ability to adapt 0:23 rebounds connect persist and convert 0:26 substantial challenges into 0:28 opportunities for growing stronger but 0:30 how do we cultivate these positive 0:32 identities especially when our typical 0:35 routines and roles and responsibilities 0:37 have been upended you know overwhelming 0:40 stressors like those we face in trying 0:42 times can lead us to doubt our ability 0:44 to meet challenges or help others to do 0:46 the same and when this deficiency 0:48 mindset kicks in we start to focus on 0:51 scarcity we think about what's lacking 0:54 and our resources or our managers or 0:56 even ourselves for example we might tell 0:59 ourselves like I'll never make it 1:01 through this situation the things won't 1:04 ever improve I don't think I'll be as 1:05 successful as I was before these trying 1:08 times set upon me I feel I'm being 1:11 pulled in too many directions to be 1:13 truly helpful to anyone and I'm not 1:15 handling this as well as my co-workers 1:18 or peers or relatives everybody seems to 1:21 have things under control except for me 1:24 even though threatening circumstances 1:26 can trigger these identity D railing 1:29 messages and beliefs we can counteract 1:32 them with positive identity infusions 1:34 most people seek to hold positive self 1:37 views and they desire to be viewed 1:39 positively by others as well so positive 1:43 identity infusions help to redefine our 1:45 identities by using images stories and 1:48 descriptions that are considered to be 1:50 positive or valuable in some way my 1:52 colleagues professors James Denton Jeff 1:55 Buettner and I developed the give model 1:57 a positive identity based on decades of 1:59 research that explain the four most 2:02 common ways that a person might respond 2:03 positively to the question who are you 2:06 at work it's so in trying times a gift 2:09 model highlights four pathways for 2:12 cultivating into 2:13 staying positive work identities G is 2:16 for growing is for integrating D is for 2:19 virtuous action and E is for elevating 2:22 self-worth so here are some positive 2:25 messages that you can say to yourself to 2:29 affirm and cultivate positive identities 2:31 you can also use these prompts as ways 2:34 to help your co-workers and people in 2:37 your community or your family to 2:38 cultivate and sustain their positive 2:40 identities in trying times as well first 2:43 ask yourself how am i growing through 2:46 this experience think about ways that 2:48 you're making progress 2:50 sometimes gradually and other times 2:52 maybe rapidly how are you learning new 2:54 skills or developing better habits think 2:57 about ways that you're becoming stronger 2:59 through these trying times and how 3:01 others in your work organization and 3:03 community are also growing learning and 3:05 becoming stronger second how are you 3:08 integrating in trying times now I know 3:11 you might be pulled in over a wide range 3:13 of directions and you probably are 3:17 inviting your co-workers into your home 3:19 and your family life in ways that you 3:21 never anticipated now that we're all 3:24 working or so many of us are working 3:26 remotely but think about possible 3:29 synergies here how can we draw upon 3:31 resources that come from these different 3:34 parts of ourselves in our lives and how 3:37 can our authenticity and vulnerability 3:38 help us to build deeper connections with 3:41 trusted coworkers third think about how 3:44 you can engage in virtuous action in 3:47 trying times 3:49 how are you rising every day to meet 3:51 unanticipated challenges that you might 3:53 face what opportunities could you pursue 3:56 to provide compassionate care for others 3:58 during trying times maybe you can start 4:01 to develop care packages or make 4:04 donations of food or resources or other 4:07 consideration for people in your 4:08 neighborhood who need support for 4:10 displaced or furloughed workers and of 4:13 course for the people on the frontlines 4:15 like our health care professionals who 4:17 are keeping our society safe and strong 4:20 right now 4:21 virtuous actually means maintaining our 4:24 integrity by sincerely trying to 4:26 activate 4:27 our best self whatever that might be 4:29 during trying times and finally how are 4:31 you elevating your self-worth are you 4:34 focusing on your personal goals and 4:36 growth are you appreciating your own 4:38 journey and savoring opportunities to 4:41 community to contribute to others in 4:43 trying times it's important that we 4:45 resist that urge to demean ourselves or 4:48 others on the basis of social comparison 4:50 that means we might have to take a break 4:52 from social media sometimes get off of 4:54 Instagram or snapchat or other places 4:56 that make it seem like everybody else 4:58 has it all together and not angle to be 5:01 the best but just become more 5:04 strengthened by showing up as our 5:06 personal best being present and making 5:08 that honest effort to achieve collective 5:10 goals as we raise the standard for 5:13 personal and collective development 5:14 we're better equipped to inspire and 5:16 activate the best in ourselves and 5:18 others during trying times but also in 5:21 the years that follow