Make gratitude more visible and consistent
During hard times, it’s easy to focus on negative thoughts or bad news. Highlighting what we’re grateful for helps us not only weather challenges, but thrive. Kim Cameron, the William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organizations, shares evidence of gratitude’s positive impact on students and employees. This video is from the Thrive in Trying Times Teach-Out, check it out here
Excerpt From

0:00 my name is Kim Cameron I'm on the 0:02 faculty in the Center for positive 0:03 organizations at the University of 0:05 Michigan I have an opportunity to talk 0:08 to you today about how to handle 0:10 ourselves during crisis it's often a 0:14 anxiety-producing stressful situation 0:16 and the natural tendency is to focus on 0:19 challenges obstacles difficulties but 0:22 there's another strategy that helps us 0:24 cope with these kinds of difficulties 0:27 the strategy is simply to identify 0:29 what's going right that is what's good 0:32 in the world and expressing gratitude 0:33 for those things as it turns out 0:36 expressing gratitude is not only wise 0:39 but healthy for example four students 0:43 were assigned in a chi university 0:44 students were assigned in a class to 0:46 simply keep a journal every day half of 0:49 the students were assigned to keep a 0:51 journal in which they wrote things for 0:54 which they were grateful for the best 0:56 things that happened to them the other 0:57 half of these students were simply asked 0:59 to write down events interactions 1:02 occurrences that occurred during that 1:04 day so we have a gratitude Journal group 1:07 and a non grana to journal group at the 1:09 end of the semester these students were 1:11 each given a flu shot then one week 1:14 later they were tested for the number of 1:17 antibodies in their system those keeping 1:19 a gratitude journal were healthier in 1:21 one week that is a significant number of 1:25 antibodies in their system had increased 1:27 second study students were given a 1:30 mental acuity task what's that you have 1:33 to memorize information have to remember 1:35 information you have to keep track of 1:38 decision rules for complex data those 1:41 keeping a gratitude journal were 1:43 significantly higher in their scores on 1:46 those tasks than were others a Thursday 1:49 was done in which students were given a 1:51 creativity task what's that how many 1:55 things can you think up to use a brick 1:56 for where a ping-pong ball turns out 2:00 students keeping a gratitude journal not 2:02 only had more ideas but a broader 2:04 variety of ideas that is mental 2:06 flexibility then compared to those 2:10 keeping a normal journal 2:13 study was done using heart health 2:16 patients that is people who had heart 2:18 disease heart problems half of these 2:21 people were assigned to keep a gratitude 2:23 journal for eight weeks at the end of 2:27 the eight weeks they were simply tested 2:28 those keeping a gratitude journal were 2:31 healthier that is their hearts had 2:33 deteriorated less and it actually healed 2:35 more at the end of only eight weeks 2:37 compared to those night not keeping a 2:40 gratitude journal and then a final study 2:43 individuals were exposed to a virus in 2:46 this case a cold virus they call it 2:48 Rhino virus those individuals keeping a 2:52 gratitude journal and by the way 2:54 experiencing not only gratitude but 2:56 forgiveness and generosity and 2:58 compassion and other virtuous states got 3:02 sick significantly less often less than 3:05 half as often as those not keeping a 3:08 journal or keeping a normal journal that 3:10 is gratitude matters 3:13 it helps us become healthier physically 3:15 emotionally and mentally now as it turns 3:19 out this also affects organizations I 3:23 know an organization in which thousands 3:25 of employees were given a journal by the 3:28 CEO they were simply assigned to keep a 3:31 gratitude journal another organization 3:33 international organization headquartered 3:35 in Korea was headed by a CEO who asked 3:39 his secretary every single day to put 3:42 five cards on his desk on one side of 3:44 the card was printed thank you on the 3:46 other side was blank he wrote every 3:50 single day five thank-you cards or 3:52 gratitude cards for five different 3:54 individuals in his organization he'd 3:56 simply assigned himself to focus on 3:59 gratitude a third study a CEO of an 4:02 organization assigned every employee 4:04 thousands of employees to positively 4:07 embarrass somebody every day what does 4:10 that mean that means compliment somebody 4:13 in front of somebody else who cares 4:14 in other words focus on what's going 4:17 well and what we should celebrate as it 4:19 turned out in each of those cases the 4:22 organizations went from a difficult 4:23 situation to a flourishing situation in 4:26 terms of 4:27 profitability performance and so on the 4:29 point is when it's easy to focus on 4:32 difficulties on hardships and 4:34 inconveniences highlighting what we're 4:37 grateful for helps us not only weather 4:40 the crisis better but we actually turn 4:43 out to be better off thank you for 4:46 listening